-Will Battle Rage, Onslaught and Wrath of the Berserker be stackable?
Can I fight enemies till Berserker State activates and I have a heap of Fury, then activate Onslaught and Battle Rage, keep fighting to get Fury to max then activate Wrath of the Berserker?
-Will Whirlwind activate/effect Frenzy, Cripple and Berserker State? Also can Whirlwind land critical hits (will it effect Inspiration)?
Say I was using a 2Her, could I just Whirlwind as much as possible in the beginning of a battle to activate these skills quickly, then open up on a nearby boss/champion with Bash?
-Whats the point in Sprint? To use Sprint you need Fury, to have Fury you need to have just been in a Battle. So are we supposed to fight a bit, then Sprint off as soon as you have one Fury Orb? Suppose it would be useful for running to bosses now that I think about it...like In D2 how you use Frenzy on a monster to get your run/walk up then run....Ok never mind, answered my own question.
-For a Dual wielding Berserker, what would be the best skill to use against an Act Boss?
I have been looking through all the trees and I can't really find anything for a Dual wielder to use, I am thinking that the best thing to do would be to just use normal attack (counting on Frenzy, and Double Strike to attack super fast) and use all your Fury on activating Onslaught, Battle Rage and Wrath of the Berserker, also Bloodthirst if you need it.|||Hi!
After having a look at the barbarian skill tree, I have pretty much decided the kind of character I am going to be and which skills I will use (providing there aren't too many significant changes between this tree and the final version). But I have some questions;
-Will Battle Rage, Onslaught and Wrath of the Berserker be stackable?
Can I fight enemies till Berserker State activates and I have a heap of Fury, then activate Onslaught and Battle Rage, keep fighting to get Fury to max then activate Wrath of the Berserker?
-Will Whirlwind activate/effect Frenzy, Cripple and Berserker State? Also can Whirlwind land critical hits (will it effect Inspiration)?
Say I was using a 2Her, could I just Whirlwind as much as possible in the beginning of a battle to activate these skills quickly, then open up on a nearby boss/champion with Bash?
-Whats the point in Sprint? To use Sprint you need Fury, to have Fury you need to have just been in a Battle. So are we supposed to fight a bit, then Sprint off as soon as you have one Fury Orb? Suppose it would be useful for running to bosses now that I think about it...like In D2 how you use Frenzy on a monster to get your run/walk up then run....Ok never mind, answered my own question.
-For a Dual wielding Berserker, what would be the best skill to use against an Act Boss?
I have been looking through all the trees and I can't really find anything for a Dual wielder to use, I am thinking that the best thing to do would be to just use normal attack (counting on Frenzy, and Double Strike to attack super fast) and use all your Fury on activating Onslaught, Battle Rage and Wrath of the Berserker, also Bloodthirst if you need it.
First i would like to say that, there ain't no definite ansvers for these as the game hasn't been played that much. I don't think there has been a playable version for fans past level 16, so end tier skills are all pretty much unknown.
1) Should be. I don't see any reason why not. Every one of them act as an seperate buff. Problem is that you should activate battlerage while you can activate the onslaught. Berserker state is a x% proc and onslaught lasts for a really short time. It might be hard to pull out.
2) No real data about WW functionality has been revealed. All that is know is that it hits enemies, costs fury, and as every hit gives you fury back, it gives you fury for another go if you hit enough enemies.
3) Sprint will be usefull of getting away from enemies aoe attacks and to get to specific enemies during battle. Normal fights will be set up so that there are targets that should be priorized over the normal ones and Sprint lets you move faster to those... I guess this could come handy in PvP also...
4) I think DW would like to use hammer of ancients rather than bash as it has a pre set damage bonus when compared to bash. Tho it might be so slow hit that you will lose more damage from autoattacks than gain from it and it also costs fury. Might be that DW uses his fury to skills that buff or WW.
And one big thing... You can take skills from every tree. You aren't bound to only one tree. Like in D2 you only need certain level to pick skills, in D3 you need to have spent certain amount of points to any tree to have skills from every tree. So going "berserker tree" only might be a bit silly coz there are alot of great skills in other trees also.
PS: I hope it helped a bit.

4)Double Strike may(hopefully) proc off of skills like bash, otherwise it would seem like dual wielding would be very weak against single targets.|||I know that you can use skills from different trees, but you will probably use one tree more than the other two depending on if you DW, 2H or Shield.
I also Have another question;
-Can you do double Critical hits? On Wrath of the Berserker, anything past level one on that skill gives you over 100% chance to land a Crit. Also there are a heap of other skills that add to your chance to land Crits (Inspiration, Onslaght etc) So do you guys think that there will be some kind of system where if you have say 150% chance to land a Crit all up, you automatically land one, then roll again for a second in the same attack, for quadruple damage. Then if you get over 200% you can roll for 6x damage maybe?
I know sounds bit far fetched kinda and OTT. But why would a single skill give you more than 100% chance? I can understand you getting over 100% total from multiple skills, but just the one...seems very odd to me.|||Hi!
I know that you can use skills from different trees, but you will probably use one tree more than the other two depending on if you DW, 2H or Shield.
I also Have another question;
-Can you do double Critical hits? On Wrath of the Berserker, anything past level one on that skill gives you over 100% chance to land a Crit. Also there are a heap of other skills that add to your chance to land Crits (Inspiration, Onslaght etc) So do you guys think that there will be some kind of system where if you have say 150% chance to land a Crit all up, you automatically land one, then roll again for a second in the same attack, for quadruple damage. Then if you get over 200% you can roll for 6x damage maybe?
I know sounds bit far fetched kinda and OTT. But why would a single skill give you more than 100% chance? I can understand you getting over 100% total from multiple skills, but just the one...seems very odd to me.
I have played games for my whole life and i haven't heard of this kind of system in any game. I can say that this is not in. It would be too op. What i would be worried is that if there is a hard cap for stuff like crit %. And remember that the numbers are just placeholders and haven't been balanced out.
Tho you never know. Critical hit effects play a huge part in D3 for some classes and might be they have something planned out for barbarians too.|||kIIfive you are going beserk with your questions

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