Personally, what Blizzard has shown us so far has brought back so much excitement for this future release, and the barb class looks totally revamped for the better.
Nothing wrong with WW and Leap included, but will they bring back:
Battle Orders
...or other superhuman strength skills with massive power.
This game looks to be awesome not only on the visuals, but the audio as well.|||Like they say in the gameplay trailer: "There's no such thing as too much power!" - sounds fun to me!

I agree with you that barb got improved drastically. In D2 it was enough to hold your finger on super rejuvenation potion and another in WW. Removal of pots will have big impact to all classes and especially barbarian. Because you won't be able to 'tank' mobs by simply drinking one pot after the other. You will have to leap out of crowd, charge to some distant mob to escape, position yourself and mobs to do maximum damage with that 'bone spear' skill and leap AoE.
I am positive the barb will still be master of arms. Dual wielding, 2H, sword and board. You name it. It is unlikely that you won't have skills to enhance dual wielding, while some of skills logically should benefit mostly from massive 2 handers (WW + charge thing).
<3 barb.|||See thats the thing, you didnt really need pots in LoD for barbs anyway, just stack on some leech for both life and mana, and your away. And as long as you kept swinging (and hitting) you didn't have to leap out of crowds at all.
And this is where my next question lies... will D3 have lifeleech?
If yes, then the no pot scenario will make barbs a very powerful class again...|||@spankeh
I would "expect" D3 to have most everything that D2 has, obviously there are some changes, but something as integral as LL and ML I think will be standbys
HOWEVER, notice that the barb does NOT have mana in the demo video, so the non-magical fighters may have "stamina" or "endurance" or some such thing instead (as to how fast it replenishes and/or ways to make it do so faster are obviously further off)|||Quote:
HOWEVER, notice that the barb does NOT have mana in the demo video, so the non-magical fighters may have "stamina" or "endurance" or some such thing instead (as to how fast it replenishes and/or ways to make it do so faster are obviously further off)
Is that based solely on the fact that his "right bulb" is of a different colour than the witch doctor's or has there been any more information on this?|||Quote:
I am positive the barb will still be master of arms. Dual wielding, 2H, sword and board.
If it were up to me, I'd make barbs unable to use shields, period.
Seriously. A shield on a barb never seemed right to me, and goes against what a barb is supposed to be. It's like seeing a bicycle helmet on the incredible hulk. A barbarian should be wielding weapons that are so big other characters can scarcely pick them up.
Actually 2-handers are something I'd like to see become more viable in general. Aside from the (increasingly rare) barbarian and bowzon, everyone else seems to use a shield in D2.|||Getting just the right amount of mana and life leeching was fun and sometimes challenging. It's also nice to see your life/mana going up after successful WW. I would like to see leeching stat in D3. You say that would make barb very powerful, well I don't really see why. It's not like sorcs ir necros were weaker compared to barb in D2. In the end if you are leeching life back that means you are getting hit. It evens out IMO.|||I hope they add a lot more original skills. I have played the hell out of the barb. I want something new. And I hope they dont bring back all those useless warcries... only BO and BC were of any use for the majority of players.
And they should give the barb a weapon block skill so that we won't need shields.
Actually now that I think about it some more, it would be a HUGE mistake NOT to give the barb weapon block.|||They will probally have some knockback abilities, where the barb really can show off brute strength....and also something that can crush surrondings, some area effect where everybody just get slammed to the ground....
But masteries, maybe somekind of weapon buff, like spikes on his hammer or something like that. there are a lot of options

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