*Ranged oriented Barbs: barbs with huge huge damage, hiting slowly but extremely powerful, with enormous 2 hand weapons , using skills like SS, stuns, and only going melee to finish their enemies or against individual monsters with charge, leaps and the big Hammer of the Ancients. This barbs will invest in pure offensive skills, and could be weaker if hey receive damage. They will focus in crits and could ignore completely some defensive passives. They also need resist states like stun, slow or freeze because they are weak and they need to move very fast from size to size of the screen without alterated states, avoiding being trapped inside mobs of monsters.
They could party well with melee-oriented characters, and with melee mercenaries tanking for him.
*Melee orientd barbs: with frenzy and whirlwind mostly. This barbs perhaps make less damage, but invest in defensive passive skills a lot because there won't be life leech. They'll handle 2 weapons or a shield, and will fight in the middle of mobs of monsters, relying in his fury and ofensive auras (mainly the auras which boost the attack spped) to increase his damage, and relying in his defensive skills, dodges, and resists. They will be killing machines in damage per second, and could resist some damage: they're the pure tanks.
They will work well with casters characters, or archers, and range-mercenaries.
*In the middle: any mix of the mencioned.|||Ranged barbs will still need to get close in, their mighty long range skills will take Fury to cast and you will need alot. Upclose WW barbs (vanilla barbs) can pretty much remain in the thick of action as they can practically WW for a very long time since Fury is always high.|||Quote:
Ranged barbs will still need to get close in, their mighty long range skills will take Fury to cast and you will need alot. Upclose WW barbs (vanilla barbs) can pretty much remain in the thick of action as they can practically WW for a very long time since Fury is always high.
They'll probably still have to switch to other skills often, since the Fury cost outweighs Fury gained on skills like WW (I'm assuming this since otherwise it will be broken).
But I really don't see any slow moving barbs like the ranged one Valmy mentioned. Although lots of barbs may be similar, in that they use two handed weapons and lots of stun, they will still be in the thick of it in order to gain and spend fury efficiently. I see two handed weapon wielders using a lot of Cleave.|||Quote:
But I really don't see any slow moving barbs like the ranged one Valmy mentioned. Although lots of barbs may be similar, in that they use two handed weapons and lots of stun, they will still be in the thick of it in order to gain and spend fury efficiently. I see two handed weapon wielders using a lot of Cleave.
Sure, Doctor. I'm not meaning they will be pure ranged warriors. No, no, this is not the point, of course not.
I'm just saying they are a bit weaker than the other type. And of course they will need to go melee too often to to recharge fury and blast enemies to hell. They are not archers, or casters, they are still powerful barbarians.
I'm only dividing them into two oriented schemes or groups, meaning the "range-called" ones will have to rely more in his AoE skills, attacking from distances to make powerful damage while someone perhaps tank for him, and then going into the battle to kill the weak survivors easily and getting full of Fury again. Then, retract again when a big group of monsters come to here, and repeat the procese until all were dead.
Sounds interesting tactically, in my opinion.|||It's still hard to swallow calling a char "ranged oriented barbarian" that has a grand total of one skill that kills at range and has the possibility of being having a high fury or cooldown cost. Especially when your primary qualification for calling it ranged, AoE attacks, are available to basically any Barbarian who is in the thick of it and will be used by that Barbarian more often due to superior Fury generation and necessity.
Perhaps the word you were looking for is skirmisher. A Barbarian that bypasses defensive boosts for high damage, mobility and crowd control skills - rather than stand there and tank it he strikes at targets of opportunity to build up the necessary Fury to blast the dangerous targets.|||Yes, konfeta. I think it is just a problem of communication. If I knew English perfectly, probably I could explain better by feelings and thoughts. In my natal language I think I can find some different cool adjectives and good explanations, and of course better fluid. I was only trying to tell the differences between two separated forms of playstyle, just all.
I think you defined better than me the idea I were trying to post before

If the term "range-oriented barb" isn't so right, just ignore it heh heh, and read the paragraphs I told about the two barbarian styles I mentioned.
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