Well lucky for you, Blizz has said that they heard the complaints from the fans, and now corpses and effects don't fade until they go off screen. Most of them, at least. some have to fade away to keep lag down and reduce clutter. But in the words of Jay Wilson, "There will now always be an Aftermath."|||Sweeeeeeet|||sounds good thanks.> Most of them, at least. some have to fade away to keep lag down and reduce clutter.|||I know! That really sucks how all the damage you do to the earth goes away like it never happened. What is this, Nintendo 1984? Come on Blizzard, put in some effort and don't be so cheap.
Walls and ground that heals up really irks me. It just screams cheap.|||Well, there's a reason. Things like the Tables and Crumbling Walls in the demo are smashed and don't come back. That's because they're made to fall apart. With craters and such, the floor is not programmed to break up piece by piece. So to make the crater they add a crater "tattoo" to the ground. If too many got made they'd start to overlap and look weird, as well as make them seem like they'd affect movement somehow. The craters are spell effects. They fade away eventually. Of course I'm sure Some will stay, for reasons mentioned above.
If craters never went away, I imagine players painting entire dungeons with them.|||^ Then there should be no craters. They should just have a big cloud of dust and chips of rock fly off. That stuff could fade out and it wouldn't look lame at all. If it doesn't look powerful enough or w/e, then just make the dust cloud bigger, add more chips coming off, make the shockwave more impressive, etc.
Plus, the same crater appearing everywhere (on a marsh, on soft green grass, on a desert, etc) looks silly anyway. Blizzard is trying to make it look epic and it looks cartoony instead.
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