On the other hand, he could hold on to them and make car noises with his mouth.
Which would be a funny dance emote would it not?! Then again, there should be no dancing emotes in Diablo, that just wouldn't be Diablo.
I'm a fan of psuedo-realism so I also would like the horns on the belt to go but I don't have much problem with the big shoulderpads. I've always been a fan of big shoulderpads.
I get the feeling it will stay in though, for the sake of different looks. Not like it will matter much with us busy killing things at a fast pace.|||Ya know, that armor isn't very efficient. I'd be more concerned about protecting my heart instead of mah belly. So the shoulder pads were actually higher?|||What the devil is wrong with the belt? I like that! It reminds me of all the Fantasy .. Conan the Barb, Willow.. Legend, LOTR, Krull, Skeletor.. they all wear funky belts with skulls and huge spike protuding armors.. if i can just find some pic..
Ah, found some spikier armor...

hah whatya know, even in reality it looks.. RIDICULOUSO!

Yea, ok find any pic of Conan, the barb is half naked.. seriously only weak barbarians need armor.. GEESH!|||I understand there is going to be some deep discussion about what we have seen presented to us about Diablo 3. However lets not get to upset with the current look of a pair of shoulder pads. We've only seen a small fraction of what the game has to offer. As for the belt with horns. To me it looks awesome. Practicality sometimes takes a back seat when trying to give off a bad-*** look. Horns have been added to many forms of armor from different areas around the world. What practicality did the horns on the Vikings helmets play? Such unpractical armor was used century's ago in battle to give off a more powerful look and intimidate others. There is a psychological approach to such a thing. Its not all black and white.|||I don't remember Skeletor wearing big, skull covered, spiky armor. Which is a shame because he really didn't wear much at all. He must shop at the same Straps 'n' Loin Cloths as Conan.
I do also agree with practicality taking a back seat to looking bad-*** but I'm more of the type that would take that as like the above picture with the fancy design all over his armor. The helmet is really pushing it though. Are those snakes for horns?|||Quote:
I don't remember Skeletor wearing big, skull covered, spiky armor. Which is a shame because he really didn't wear much at all. He must shop at the same Straps 'n' Loin Cloths as Conan.
I do also agree with practicality taking a back seat to looking bad-*** but I'm more of the type that would take that as like the above picture with the fancy design all over his armor. The helmet is really pushing it though. Are those snakes for horns?
I forgot, Skeletor wears a leotard, oops.. but I do agree the arguement is valid, bad-*** and larger than life plated armor and helms are a good thing, even practical. In nature, snakes, elephants, meerkats.. they all try to appear larger, the Cobra for example, puffs it's body so that it appears larger, and subsequently deters its enemies.. as a psychological victory..
Puffy armor, with huge spikes.. its a deterrance, its valid!|||I don't think I'd go as far as to say it's practical. Hypothetically, would you be willing to trade off 2/3 of your field of vision and freedom of movement to demoralize creatures who fall in between "too stupid/corrupt to care" and "too smart to care"?
I guess whether or not "puffy armor" impresses fictional creatures could be debated all day. I still agree in unnecessary steps to look cool, I just prefer it on top of my function. Referencing your picture again - like the standard looking armor, sans helmet, with the cool design on top of it. And that snake scepter thing would make one awesome like... halberd-like skull buster hammer.|||Quote:
What practicality did the horns on the Vikings helmets play?
Actually vikings didn't have horns on their helmets. It's a common misconception/myth. It's a feature that's been added in more modern times. I don't remember the story behind it though.
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