-There are 3 skill trees for the barbarian. When you level up, you receive 5 points to put in any skill tree, on any skill(s) you choose. Is it a safe bet to 'pick' a skill tree and run with it? Or will you be allocated enough points throughout the game to fill up all three skill trees? I dont want to stretch my points too thin across three skill trees when I need to be sticking with one, or two.
-silly question, but I remember in D1 that you could play a character for a while, then actually start a NEW game with that same character at the same level. Would this be beneficial if, say, you DID want to fill up all three skill trees. If you started a new game after a while, you could get enough points eventually to fill up all three of them.
just a thought.
I just dont like the idea of not being able to use WW when its not on the certain tree that I'll be putting points in.|||More than likely you will not be able to fill up all of the trees. At best you could get about 80% full on two trees. This is not Runescape in that respect ;p
They will hopefully have some incentives for people to be a well rounded tri-tree character. Enough so there aren't a hundred meteorb wizards to one meteorblightening wizard, etc.|||I went back and looked at the skill trees. I managed to go across all three skill trees with 60 points.
with 5 points received per level, thats only level 12.....
I'm thinking, now, that you should definitely be able to allocate points all across the board, and not have to specialize in one tree.
thoughts?|||You used a skill calculator someone made up, right? Few problems there.
1. The skills will all have more than 1 level, and each character will have roughly 60 skills, give or take a few, so we're talking more in the hundreds of points to completely max out a tree.
2. I haven't heard about this 5 skill points a level up, where did you get that number? As far as I know, there hasn't been an official statement about the number of points we will get.|||Jay, or whatever his name is, said in an interview we will receive 5 points a level. Ill post the link later.
You're right. The skills have different levels. I managed to put 20 points in each skill tree to put me at 60. Which is only level 12.|||do we know how skill costs stack up as your rank goes higher?
is it 2 points for a rank 2 skill? 5 pts for a 5 rank skill?
1 pt. for ranks 1-4, then 2 pts. for ranks 5-9? etc.|||I suppose the skill tree calculator was a 'speculation' on how blizzard will set it up. Heres the link. http://diablo3x.com/classes/barbaria...n-talent-trees
From the looks of it, to get to the tier 2 level skills, you must have 5 points allocated in that specific skill tree in tier 1 skills. For tier 3 skills, you must have 10 points allocated in that specific tree. Whether it be in tier 1 or 2, and so on.
As always, this game isnt anywhere near finished, and Id like to know some updates and such, so I don't doubt what you're saying echod16. This might just be speculation and I could be wasting my time.

As always, this game isnt anywhere near finished, and Id like to know some updates and such, so I don't doubt what you're saying echod16. This might just be speculation and I could be wasting my time.

We do come from the different spectrums on Diablo.. you from D1 and I from D2
was the skill system such that you could effectively max all your skills in D1?|||so far I've counted a total of 255 talent points available to Barbarians in the skill tree. This discludes the extra 2-3 tiers of more skills to follow. Assuming you get 5 talent points per level, that means you could potentially get a total of 495 talent points at your disposal throughout the game. And if you get talent point quests...lets say your total possible amount of somewhere close to 525 talent points. That means...I guess...you can potentially fill up the entire tree, even with 2-3 more tiers of skills available.
That tree is probably wrong though. That..or the level cap won't be 99 in D3....it might be 50 or something|||What?
Where the hell did people dig up the whole 5 skill points per level up? I am not seeing this interview anywhere...
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