It differentiates the Barbarian from mana using classes, makes using the barbarian more tactical, it makes the barbarian plain more interesting to play.
So what if you have to land a few normal attacks or get hit a few times before using some of the big skills? All this means is that you literally have unlimited "mana" as long as you are in the thick of it - I find that far more interesting than having a melee character being basically a short range caster.
Besides, the pace of WoW is likely to be far slower than in Diablo 3. Five hits? That's like killing two or three monsters and then wiping out an entire mob of them with a powerful ability. Also, some of the fury based skills speed up how fast you get fury by virtue of giving your crits, damage, attack speed, damage resistance, and healing. The more you kill, the more skills you can use, the faster you kill. the more skills you can use.
Start off slow and accelerate into an unstoppable killing machine - fits the Barbarian perfectly. Especially considering that leach might not even make it into this game and pots been neutered into back up as opposed to primary healing.
starting slow does not fit the barbarian at all, and it does not make a single thing more tactical. how is it more interesting to be required every fight to go up and do the lamest attack 4-5 times before doing anything cool as opposed to just unleashing pwn on the universe from the beginning. its not.|||Quote:
diablo is a lot about fireworks and smoldering wrecks of enemies
Which is what exactly you will be doing as soon as you have enough Fury.
walking up to every fight and having to put in ur 4-5 normal attacks just makes the class less badass.
Normal attacks + Non-Fury costing abilities + if there is any Fury left from the previous fight it could be used too, All in all it is the same as having to wait for you mana to recharge or having to seek out mana globes, there isn't a grave difference, but rather than waiting you need to fight more, how is that less badass really !!!?
It also does make the barbarian quite unique, and makes the player more keen onto rushing the next mob as soon as possible and fighting non-stop, which is what the Barbarian is all about.
you don't notice it in the gameplay video because they have a hacked barb.
Gah, in the demo the people played the Barbarian wasn't hacked

starting slow does not fit the barbarian at all, and it does not make a single thing more tactical. how is it more interesting to be required every fight to go up and do the lamest attack 4-5 times before doing anything cool as opposed to just unleashing pwn on the universe from the beginning. its not.
Unleashing pwn is also called spamming mindlessly, i would rather have something that requires some skill and thought rather than something that requires mashing mindlessly.
Actually when people come in here asking what is Fury i become sure that they don't know anything about the subject and didn't even bother to read about Fury and the Barbarian Skill trees in the D3 Wiki, there are many skills in the Barbarian Skill tree that enhance his Fury generation, keep it stacked for longer, generate some fury upon using certain specific attacks or upon inflicting critical damage, etc etc .. the whole Barbarian skill tree is built around Fury and the different ways it can be utilized tactically in battle.
So there is loads of strategy and tactical choices in both the gameplay and character builds that are presented through the concept of Fury.|||Quote:
starting slow does not fit the barbarian at all, and it does not make a single thing more tactical. how is it more interesting to be required every fight to go up and do the lamest attack 4-5 times before doing anything cool as opposed to just unleashing pwn on the universe from the beginning. its not.
It fits the Barbarian just fine. He is a seasoned venerable warrior, not an uncontrollable freak who explodes on a hair trigger. Pacing and conserving being angry for appropriate threats just oozes from the concept. Barbarian doesn't mean mindless berserker, especially in Diablo's world.
There will be skills that don't cost fury to cast that allow him to start a fight off with a bang if one so desires. Namely, things like Leap or certain warcries.
And yes, it does make it more tactical. You no longer start every fight at full capacity, nor do you have the ability to spam your strongest skills from the get go. There are now numerous decisions involved such as which skill to open, follow up, and end with; whenever to tank or avoid damage; whenever taking out smaller enemies to build up fury to open up on the big bad with a big attack or focusing on the big one so you can smash the group with an AoE attack. Another layer of decision is whenever you start using low fury costing abilities or risk to save up for the big hitters.
Plenty of tactical concepts opened up with this. For a character that doesn't have the luxury of using cover, terrain, and distance like ranged characters, this is an equalizing boon that makes it far, far more interesting to play.
And lastly, how is it "more fun" to open every fight with your flashiest/strongest attack? Don't you get tired of Whirlwinding every mook? Making you work for the big attack increases its value; I find the idea of setting/working the mob up for the big bad Whirlwind or Ground Slam attack far more appealing than simply playing a castrated melee range caster that takes comparatively little imagination to play.|||Quote:
It fits the Barbarian just fine. He is a seasoned venerable warrior, not an uncontrollable freak who explodes on a hair trigger. Pacing and conserving being angry for appropriate threats just oozes from the concept. Barbarian doesn't mean mindless berserker, especially in Diablo's world.
There will be skills that don't cost fury to cast that allow him to start a fight off with a bang if one so desires. Namely, things like Leap or certain warcries.
And yes, it does make it more tactical. You no longer start every fight at full capacity, nor do you have the ability to spam your strongest skills from the get go. There are now numerous decisions involved such as which skill to open, follow up, and end with; whenever to tank or avoid damage; whenever taking out smaller enemies to build up fury to open up on the big bad with a big attack or focusing on the big one so you can smash the group with an AoE attack. Another layer of decision is whenever you start using low fury costing abilities or risk to save up for the big hitters.
Plenty of tactical concepts opened up with this. For a character that doesn't have the luxury of using cover, terrain, and distance like ranged characters, this is an equalizing boon that makes it far, far more interesting to play.
And lastly, how is it "more fun" to open every fight with your flashiest/strongest attack? Don't you get tired of Whirlwinding every mook? Making you work for the big attack increases its value; I find the idea of setting/working the mob up for the big bad Whirlwind or Groun
Let's use an example, since you are being exasperatingly numb about it. I am barb w/ mana I see big bunch of monsters, I think oo there are some rangies in back I will leap attack over all of them as opener and start my wreckage there. Or OOO there are some monsters that try to blow up against me I will open with a ranged thing, or OOO there are a bunch of cows rammed together I will run up and WW through them to start. It's exciting its fast paced, in fact its how the barb played in the gameplay video(because the barb was hacked).
now lets look at your extra cool fury way. oh look a bunch of monsters I think I will run up and hit them numerous times with the only attack I am capable of doing. yay more tactics!|||Quote:
Which is what exactly you will be doing as soon as you have enough Fury.
Normal attacks + Non-Fury costing abilities + if there is any Fury left from the previous fight it could be used too, All in all it is the same as having to wait for you mana to recharge or having to seek out mana globes, there isn't a grave difference, but rather than waiting you need to fight more, how is that less badass really !!!?
It also does make the barbarian quite unique, and makes the player more keen onto rushing the next mob as soon as possible and fighting non-stop, which is what the Barbarian is all about.
Gah, in the demo the people played the Barbarian wasn't hacked

Unleashing pwn is also called spamming mindlessly, i would rather have something that requires some skill and thought rather than something that requires mashing mindlessly.
Actually when people come in here asking what is Fury i become sure that they don't know anything about the subject and didn't even bother to read about Fury and the Barbarian Skill trees in the D3 Wiki, there are many skills in the Barbarian Skill tree that enhance his Fury generation, keep it stacked for longer, generate some fury upon using certain specific attacks or upon inflicting critical damage, etc etc .. the whole Barbarian skill tree is built around Fury and the different ways it can be utilized tactically in battle.
So there is loads of strategy and tactical choices in both the gameplay and character builds that are presented through the concept of Fury.
Walking up and hitting someone numerous times with your normal attack requires skill? What parallel universe do you live in? And sure its modestly unique(assuming we ignore its stolen from WOW. But it would also be unique to require the wizard to have a regent for every spell she casts and have to restock every regent all the time. Then again unique and lame isn't a bonus.|||Quote:
now lets look at your extra cool fury way. oh look a bunch of monsters I think I will run up and hit them numerous times with the only attack I am capable of doing. yay more tactics!
Did you even read what he said, or did you just quote it without reading

konfeta and i already mentioned there are some skills that don't require Fury at all, and other passive skills that make Fury regenerate more with critical hits and certain other skills, and if you are fast enough you can use the Fury from your previous battle in the next one, so yes there is LOADS of options and tactics involved.
You just want to upgrade one skill to the max then spam mindlessly and kill everything with it ( which was possible in D2 with potion spamming and mana leech ), but that's not the case in D3.
Many people who used the Barb in Blizzcon 08 liked the Fury concept and found it interesting since there are many skills ( passive / active ) that depend on Fury.
And use the edit button instead of double posting, it was made for a reason, or do you like spam that much !!!|||Quote:
Did you even read what he said, or did you just quote it without reading

konfeta and i already mentioned there are some skills that don't require Fury at all, and other passive skills that make Fury regenerate more with critical hits and certain other skills, and if you are fast enough you can use the Fury from your previous battle in the next one, so yes there is LOADS of options and tactics involved.
You just want to upgrade one skill to the max then spam mindlessly and kill everything with it ( which was possible in D2 with potion spamming and mana leech ), but that's not the case in D3.
Many people who used the Barb in Blizzcon 08 liked the Fury concept and found it interesting since there are many skills ( passive / active ) that depend on Fury.
And use the edit button instead of double posting, it was made for a reason, or do you like spam that much !!!
I only see 3 posts I made on this page and they all respond to different things. And here is your argument "fury is lame but there's a bunch of workarounds." so you agree w/ me. as for the workaround part, the no fury skills and the running really quickly from fight to fight in the prayer that u keep ur fury. why bother?
I don't personally know which skills don't use fury, my guess nothing u really want doesn't use fury. which in the end leads to the same lame outcome, you have to use ur middling uninteresting attacks, which contrary to your assertions ADD ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TACTICALLY, just so u can then use the attacks u really wanna use. That's not cooler or funner or more interesting or more tactical. It is by in large just lame. like in my example prior under a mana(you don't have to call it mana, just a system where u have access to ur abilities at beginning of fight) there are tons of different ways to exploit ur powerful and awesomely fun moves at the beginning of fights to leave carnage and badassness. Under the other system every fight starts w/ the lame zero fury skills(whatever they are) until u've mindlessly pounded whatever is in front of u enough to then unleash the cool badass abilities.|||Quote:
I don't personally know which skills don't use fury, my guess nothing u really want doesn't use fury.
Nope the majority of skills until now don't use Fury, only heavy hitting and powerful attacks use Fury. ( seems you didn't even bother looking up the Barbarian skill trees )
Well, you don't seem to get it yet do you.
As for the choices, sigh ... I'll explain in more detail.
-First choice you will come across is whether you want your Barb to generate Fury fast and exhaust it fast or regenerate it normally and keep it stacked from battle to battle .. so yes ... this will provide more build options even before you start fighting.
-Now you are in a fight .... let's say you still can't use your heavy hitting skills cause you don't have fury since this is your first fight in the dungeon, but instead you can use the skills at you disposal tactically to build up Fury then choose when and on which skill you will use it.
Some will generate Fury in short bursts and use it quickly, some will build up fury to the max ( utilizing their character which is built for that ) then unleash their most powerful attacks, some will use an amount of Fury depending on the dreadfulness of the situation, some will just kill the mob using normal attacks and non-fury skills and keep the Fury they built for the next mob or boss ( again utilizing their character which is built for that ).
ALL these choices exist without even mentioning what are the non-Fury skills, which will surely add even much more choices to the mix ... what more would anyone want !!?
On the other hand your option is simply giving the player mana and of course ( mana globes ), what do you expect, the player will not care about any other options, skills .. or whatever ... he has mana and he logically will only use his most powerful skill and spam it to death cause it wouldn't make sense if we used any other less powerful attacks/skills ... if a player has the mana to use his most powerful attacks ( and refill mana using mana globes ) and still used weaker attacks then he is only fooling himself and playing poorly, so were are the choices you mention ... there is only spamming you so called cool badass ability.
All the other options hold no value or merit if you can spam your most powerful skill from the very start ... got it now ... but let me make it easier for you, what you want is like giving someone an infinite bazooka or super charged nuclear gun at the start of an FPS game then expecting him to choose to use a pitiful pistol to kill their enemies, there is no choice but to use and spam the infinite Bazooka, that's the only logical choice !!!
And if you run out of mana you will simply have to run ( Lame ) or grind against monsters hopelessly ( totally different from Fury system were you attack monsters knowing that each attack you hit and every hit you take allows you to unleash much more powerful attacks against those enemies and eventually win the fight )|||Quote:
Nope the majority of skills until now don't use Fury, only heavy hitting and powerful attacks use Fury. ( seems you didn't even bother looking up the Barbarian skill trees )
Well, you don't seem to get it yet do you.
As for the choices, sigh ... I'll explain in more detail.
-First choice you will come across is whether you want your Barb to generate Fury fast and exhaust it fast or regenerate it normally and keep it stacked from battle to battle .. so yes ... this will provide more build options even before you start fighting.
-Now you are in a fight .... let's say you still can't use your heavy hitting skills cause you don't have fury since this is your first fight in the dungeon, but instead you can use the skills at you disposal tactically to build up Fury then choose when and on which skill you will use it.
Some will generate Fury in short bursts and use it quickly, some will build up fury to the max ( utilizing their character which is built for that ) then unleash their most powerful attacks, some will use an amount of Fury depending on the dreadfulness of the situation, some will just kill the mob using normal attacks and non-fury skills and keep the Fury they built for the next mob or boss ( again utilizing their character which is built for that ).
ALL these choices exist without even mentioning what are the non-Fury skills, which will surely add even much more choices to the mix ... what more would anyone want !!?
On the other hand your option is simply giving the player mana and of course ( mana globes ), what do you expect, the player will not care about any other options, skills .. or whatever ... he has mana and he logically will only use his most powerful skill and spam it to death cause it wouldn't make sense if we used any other less powerful attacks/skills ... if a player has the mana to use his most powerful attacks ( and refill mana using mana globes ) and still used weaker attacks then he is only fooling himself and playing poorly, so were are the choices you mention ... there is only spamming you so called cool badass ability.
All the other options hold no value or merit if you can spam your most powerful skill from the very start ... got it now ... but let me make it easier for you, what you want is like giving someone an infinite bazooka or super charged nuclear gun at the start of an FPS game then expecting him to choose to use a pitiful pistol to kill their enemies, there is no choice but to use and spam the infinite Bazooka, that's the only logical choice !!!
And if you run out of mana you will simply have to run ( Lame ) or grind against monsters hopelessly ( totally different from Fury system were you attack monsters knowing that each attack you hit and every hit you take allows you to unleash much more powerful attacks against those enemies and eventually win the fight )
blizzard has already stated that they don't want people using just one skill. I assume blizzard is smart enough to give us a bunch of top tier combat skills, and that forcing us to use other skils by disabling the skills we really wanna use is an extremely lame crutch. it'd be like requiring ppl to use concentrate 5 times before they could use whirlwind EVERY FIGHT.
a lot of your posts seem to be centered around the "yah I know fury is lame but here are the workarounds." then u delve off into the zero fury skills and all the skillpts we can sink into trying to unlame fury. well all I gotta say is again, WHY BOTHER. Why not just remove the lame at its source, open up the barb, let us use all our weapons. Hobbling the barb everyfight doesn't make it cooler or funner or more interesting. It just means I gotta walkup and wack the stupid mob with concentrate before I can do something cool like whirlwind. it also like my example up-page COMPLETELY GIMPS all sorts of cool openings barbs could in theory use, that ACTUALLY do add tactical choices. instead of funneling everyone into the lame.|||Quote:
use whirlwind EVERY FIGHT.
ACTUALLY do add tactical choices.
Yeah, i can see the choices

And stop calling Fury lame cause it ain't and repeating it won't prove anything, you just never played with the D3 Barb and don't know anything about his Skills, better stick with D2 and avoid D3 then.
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