not as bad as female tauren in wow
Apparently quite a few people find the female taurens attractive, which I'll never understand. I don't care what anyone says though, the the female and male models for Night Elves are both cute.
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Apparently quite a few people find the female taurens attractive, which I'll never understand. I don't care what anyone says though, the the female and male models for Night Elves are both cute.
/end off topic comment
They're called furries.
Speaking of hot, female Barbarians, did anyone else watch Dungeons & Dragons 2?|||Quote:
The Barbarian female (specially in-game not in the art) looks perfectly natural and healthy albeit a little muscular .. which is something normal since females have testosterone for natural muscle building ... so yes there can exist a natural looking beautiful female with a strong body (like many athletes) ... probably Norse women where two times as strong and as large as any of us.
I highly doubt that. And if that were true, then that'd have more to do with the fact that most people nowadays are physically lazy rather than inferior genetics.
Most of a womens strength is in her legs not her upper body. I am talking about natural women here. Its funny to watch volleyball players out squat some dudes at the gym.
The guys at your gym must be pansies, or the women train much, much harder because it's a scientific fact that men have more absolute strength than women (in their legs, arms, etc.), this is due to higher amounts of testosterone (which affects all muscles and the brain). Also, the current world record for squatting is held by a man and has always been held by a man.|||refes,
I really hope they go back to their dark haired female barb design! I like those pictures better than the stereotyped 'angry red head'.|||So what will be the n1 choice for female players? Todays women wanna be young, sporty/thin, have nice clothes, feel sexy and wanted. Whats the diablo character that meets those criteria? Witch doctor is old and unpleasant, Barbarian is half male and Wizard... maybe perfect? I may get some flame from any female here

So what will be the n1 choice for female players? Todays women wanna be young, sporty/thin, have nice clothes, feel sexy and wanted. Whats the diablo character that meets those criteria? Witch doctor is old and unpleasant, Barbarian is half male and Wizard... maybe perfect? I may get some flame from any female here

Altough you will undoubtably be called sexist and whatnot. Given how the models in WoW looked in the alpha and how they look now, it would seem that for the female characters looking good is more important. Whether this is because of the male or female fanbase..., I always wondered.
But the female characters went from 'not our standard for beauty' to something that was more in line with what everyone expects. Sure, not everyone thinks the female tauren model is attractive, but if you compare it to the alpha version there is a world of difference. (All can be found on YouTube) The troll model also underwent some radical changes.
But more ontopic.
When you look at the barbarian female model you can see that she is very muscular, rather big and all, but all the femine traits are still there. The upperbody isn't as big as you would expect, the waist is also very feminine. This is not how a muscular woman looks like in real life (google "woman and steroids") but rather a more muscular form of someone with extreme feminine characteristics.
concept art
The hips are wide, shoulders not wider than the hips, the waist is thin, the breasts are big and very high and she has long legs.
Whereas this is a woman on steroids
woman on steroids
Masculine traits are very clearly visible, broad shoulder, narrow hips (when compared to the shoulders) and the feminine traits are masked by the sheer bulk of muscle.
So seeing as how the barbarian women are portrayed in the game and in the concept art, it is not surprising as how people can find it (or the idea of it) attractive to look at.
But does it mean anything......|||Quote:
So what will be the n1 choice for female players? Todays women wanna be young, sporty/thin, have nice clothes, feel sexy and wanted. Whats the diablo character that meets those criteria? Witch doctor is old and unpleasant, Barbarian is half male and Wizard... maybe perfect? I may get some flame from any female here

I commend Blizzard for making the female version of the Barbarian physically imposing as opposed to making them look like 100 lb supermodels that are just as adept at swinging colossal weapons and wearing heavy armor as their much more muscular counterparts. Sometimes I wonder why game developers bother giving male warriors/fighters muscles, if they�re going to just make their female counterparts just as strong except without muscles.|||Quote:
I commend Blizzard for making the female version of the Barbarian physically imposing as opposed to making them look like 100 lb supermodels that are just as adept at swinging colossal weapons and wearing heavy armor as their much more muscular counterparts. Sometimes I wonder why game developers bother giving male warriors/fighters muscles, if they’re going to just make their female counterparts just as strong except without muscles.
They now look as 200lb supermodels, but supermodels nonetheless..|||Quote:
They now look as 200lb supermodels, but supermodels nonetheless..
Women who are 175 lb of pure muscle with homely faces are not classified as supermodels. Click that link, then click the picture once to zoom into it. Does that face look attractive to you?|||Quote:
Women who are 175 lb of pure muscle with homely faces are not classified as supermodels. Click that link, then click the picture once to zoom into it. Does that face look attractive to you?
I'm easily pleased?
The face (in the concept art) does indeed look a little... less friendly than I remember, but the body type (apart from the muscles) looks very feminine (and thus attractive).
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