I was looking at some skills and noticed a few differences in how skills enhanced damage, specifically in the wording:
Battle Rage
Rank: 1/5
Description: Enter a rage which increases damage done by 32% and increases Critical Hit chance by 25%, lasts for 15 seconds.
Cost: 1 Fury Orb
Rank: 1/5
Description: Bash the enemy for 200% of weapon damage. Causes Knockback.
Seismic Slam
Rank: 1/5
Description: Slam the ground causing a wave of destruction that deals 120% of your weapon damage in front of the Barbarian and causes a small amount of knockback.
Hammer of the Ancients
Rank: 1/5
Description: A massive attack that deals 175% weapon damage plus an additional 12 physical damage, and has a 25% increased chance to critically hit.
Furious Charge
Rank: 1/5
Description: Charge directly at an enemy causing 100% of your weapon damage to them and 65% to enemies in the way.
Rank: 1/5
Description: Successful blocks have a 10% chance to increase weapon damage by 50% for 5 seconds. In addition, the Barbarian cannot be interrupted by enemy attacks while this buff is active.
So as such we can conclude at the moment there are 3 different bonuses from the skills quoted:
(a) Increase damage by X%
(b) Deal X% of weapon damage (+ additional X damage in case of Hammer of the Ancients)
(c) Increase weapon damage by X%
(a) and (b) seem very different to me. For example Rank 1 Bash: Deal 200% of weapon damage, is not necessarily the same as +100% enhanced damage (from skills, not on weapon). Because it comes in at a different step than %ed like Batte Rage, Strength, offweapon ed, etc
(a) works on overall damage, after taking into account all damage mods on and off the weapon;
(c) seems to act on the base weapon's damage, however I'm not sure if its like an ethereal bonus, ie applied before min+maxdamage on the weapon, OR if it is applied after FINAL weapon damage;
while (b) is probably a new intermittent multiplier step between (c) and (a).
I think deal X% of weapon damage is an intermittent step before other %ed modifiers are applied. So at the moment I have concluded the damage formula for physical damage in D3 looks something like this, essentially we have a new added step in step (2):
(1) Base weapon damage ( [Weapon damage x any ethereal bonus (or Retaliation?) x (enhanced damage on the weapon + any Retaliation bonus?)] + Minimum / Maximum Damage on the weapon ) ---> (or this final number multiplied by Retaliation % bonus?)
(( Where does Retaliation fit in on the formula above? *scratch head* ))
*multiplied by*
(2) Deal X% of weapon damage (In case of Bash this would be 2)
*add to this*
(3) +X damage from Skills (Hammer OTA), Any damage + X on weapon, minimum or maximum damage off weapon
*multiplied by*
(4) % enhanced damage off the weapon (Strength, any masteries or auras or skill % enhanced damage like Battle Rage, or other off weapon %ed)
*multiplied by*
(5) Critical Damage (this is a confusing part too, doesnt seem like D3's critical strike is a base +100%, I believe you can even go above this)
*multiplied by*
(6) Monster's physical resist (after any -% physical resist, maybe AD and Decrep or something similar will return)
NOTE: This wont apply to leap attack as it has nothing to do with weapon damage, and is apparently only effected by Strength.|||This is all very interesting as I see that you took everything in consideration.
But I think we are pretty limited to know exactly what the formula is so far because at this stade of the game it highly risks to be reviewed.
Like they say, they do the testing and the balancing at the end of the game. They might see that retaliation makes an overpowered non sense in the beta if used in the right way so they will review the whole skill and damage formula.
So far, we can only speculate on what the formula will look, good luck.|||I would expect, because of the tags assigned, that the order of operations is:
Let "X" = Weapon damage
Let "Y" = Ability damage
Let "Z" = Final damage
Z = C1Y.
Y = C2X
Therefore, Z = C1*C2*X
"Increases weapon damage by ()%" (e.g. 50%, 5/5 Retaliation) improves X:
X * 1.00 + 0.50 = X2"Deals ()% of Weapon Damage {E.g. 260%, 5/5 Bash}":
Y2 = K1*X2"Increases Damage by ()% {E.g. 56%, 5/5 Battle Rage}":
Z = K2*Y2 = K2 * K1 * X2
...I hope this helps, or at least doesn't make things worse...

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