The problem is people want their class to be good at everything. You can either be a jack of all trades master of none (ala paladin/amazon) or a specialised class (babarian, sorceress). The game would get boring quick if every class was a jack of all trades.|||I was thinking along the lines of 1-2 skills, not half a tree or anything.
It would be acceptable because Blizzard wants us to use 5 or so skills anyway. The bow skill could just be one of those options you use for certain tricky situations. It wouldn't have to lessen his melee prowess.|||Alright, aside from the 'role' part, which was dismissed of course, balance-wise it would just be too troublesome, and also concept-wise, because everyone would be complaining "Bah, the Barb can use any weapon making my Witch Doctor look silly" or things like that. So an incredibly varied class will make the whole other classes look weak and less-likely to be chosen, therefore useless.|||Quote:
I was thinking along the lines of 1-2 skills, not half a tree or anything.
It would be acceptable because Blizzard wants us to use 5 or so skills anyway. The bow skill could just be one of those options you use for certain tricky situations. It wouldn't have to lessen his melee prowess.
It would be 1-2 dead skills, that 99% of the people would probably not use on the barb because he already has exceptional skills to fight at range or close in.
Plus we would have to endure non-stop petitions on forums to either remove those 1-2 skills or add more of the bow skills.|||Anyone can use bows. Few can use them well. Barbarians certainly can't, unless they specialize, becoming archers.|||I'd think Barbarians would be better suited, what with their muscular frames, to throwing objects at opponents. I'm envisioning a shot putting barbarian, for those pesky across the cliff ranged enemies : )
But in seriousness, a couple "gag" skills for every class is usually in order, if only for a little differentiation, and sometimes for a legitimate alternate route to fighting. The Barbs have always been best suited for melee combat, and adding in 2-3 half-helpful throwing/ranged skills won't greatly redefine his role, so for the sake fun in gaming, why not have them?
My personal favorite made-up skill for far:
Highland Thrower: Using miscellaneous debris from his often obliterated surroundings, the Barbarian can execute throwing techniques from his homeland with deadly results. Based on the debris used, the Barbarian may Shot Put throw, Discus throw, or Hammer throw the object at the desired area. All attacks do splash damage based on their flight path, and overall damage based on the relative weight of the debris and the strength of the Barbarian himself.
Note: Occasionally, even the mighty Barbarian succumbs to Darwin moments. On occasion, the barbarian will have a mishap in his throwing technique, and hilarity ensues.|||I could see having a few bow skills that were very basic and not even close to the potential of whatever ranged class they make, but have slower firing rates and potentially other penalties as well like they did in diablo1 to discourage mass use of it.|||I always wondered what the crossbow pus spitter was doing in d2. It gave 2 to necro skills...the only bow that adds to other specific class' skills. Maybe they wanted different kinds of bow users in the game.
The wierd thing was it also had a small chance to cast lower resist on striking...but the necro already has it. I wonder what they were thinking there.|||Why not have some skills that can be used with weapons other than melee?
E.G. cleave works like a piercing shot.
Surely there's no harm in letting a class competently use more weapons than they specialise in.
A popular 'fun' class in D2 was the Ranger - a paladin armed with a bow. (possible thanks to auras... barely)
Not that I'd mind if they didn't put this in

I always wondered what the crossbow pus spitter was doing in d2. It gave 2 to necro skills...the only bow that adds to other specific class' skills. Maybe they wanted different kinds of bow users in the game.
The wierd thing was it also had a small chance to cast lower resist on striking...but the necro already has it. I wonder what they were thinking there.
Yeah and there were several bows that wouldn't look amiss in a sorceress' hands - let's not forget sorceresses start with 25 base dex.|||Quote:
Bow is one of the first weapons invented by man. Far earlier than the sword.
Its stupid that the barbarian dont know how to use such a simple and deadly weapon.
In diablo there is no such thing as role of a class. Its WoW thinking.
In diablo the characters are all there to kick ***.
The only difference is melee or ranged. But barb was the only class lacking ranged skills and its plain unlogical.
Barbarians are a whole nation. Its stupid they dont have archers.
is a "Leap Attack" not sort of ranged attack ?

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