Actually, I think bills are the most damaging polearms you can make Insight in without increasing its level requirement. But other than that...

I meant crowbill, lol, hwanin's justice + skull was a very cheap and easy fix for a merc|||1H Axes just seem so powerful. Duel wield them & it just...makes him feel strong.
Although, I'm more the light melee, so Scimitars would be nice....if we had the class to complement them :P Maybe Wizzy, but idk...|||I liked using hammers until attack skills were more affected by weapon speeds. Now I'm too poor to use the good hammers.|||ooh best aestetic weapon is easily the Halberd (elite version) had the best range and the only really unique skin compared with the other polearms. and everything else all looked the same. (everything being other weapon classes)
i didnt like how 1h weapons could put out more dmg than 2 handed ones. it just did not compute properly. 2 handers always made me feel like i was puttin out more oomph.|||I like long swords, one handed or two handed. Something kingly looking.

Oh, and flails, definitely.

:S My top 4 isn't even listed on your poll.... They are all from DII also|||You think a barbarian wielding a fork looks good?

:S My top 4 isn't even listed on your poll.... They are all from DII also
all under staves, lol, yeah that was a *slight* misstep on my part|||Quote:
You think a barbarian wielding a fork looks good?

spoon maul is must deadlier, and it also makes for giant bowls of cereal
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