Always liked how an 'old man' kicks younglings asses.
Kinda like how Anakin Skywalker kills those younglings at the Jedi Temple in Revenge of the Sith?

On a more serious note, I love the way the barbarian looks, all aspects.
Drooling over the artwork a lot, I have been.|||This barb has had a rough life.. he's aged.. though that doesnt make him an old man... he may be 40 yrs..|||Quote:
This barb has had a rough life.. he's aged.. though that doesnt make him an old man... he may be 40 yrs..
In Sanctuary, the average life span of most people is around 40 years. A 40 year old Barb would be an elder of his clan. Cain is positively ancient in age.|||He has had ~45 years of experience in not dying, living as dangerously as possible in between all those monsters.
This venerable dude is one tough bastard!|||In my mind it's totally awesome that I can play the barbarian from D2 again in D3. He is old and experienced, besides if you fight your whole life you can be old and still strong.
This is the main character I'll play in D3, no doubt about it.|||Why would younger gamers care about the barbarians age?
Anyways you got to admire the grit and heartyness of this barbarian,he hasn't been corrupted by the prime evils even after venturing deep into hell (deeper than the warrior ever did?) and meeting all 3 prime evils+lesser evils... I'll for sure make a barbarian character in D3 just for the RP aspect|||Quote:
In Sanctuary, the average life span of most people is around 40 years. A 40 year old Barb would be an elder of his clan. Cain is positively ancient in age.
Possibly and possibly not, Barbarians always lived a tough hard life giving them stronger bodies/resistances/etc, while other people's ie. a citizen from lower kurast might have shorter lives because of disease etc you'd have to think some of those barbarians resistances made them live a little longer than other races?... I wouldn't be suprised if they had an average longer life span atleast ;p|||You also have to take into consideration that whenever theres statistics about life span, birth deaths and child deaths are counted. When deaths happen at ages between 0-5 or so they really bring down the average age. As it was in medieval times for example. So even if the average life span is 40 years, it wouldnt be unusual for people that grew up to become adults to live to become 50-70 years old, depending on their situation and their genes.|||They should have made the female model equally grizzled looking. It seems like they want DIII to have the WoW female night elf effect where 99% of the players are running around with female avatars.|||Heh, that makes me wonder if there will be /emotes in-game that are more than text boxes above their head.
BarbManLoL:Show us your Boobs!
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