I was late to work a few days ago and had to run. While I was running I don't know how or why, but when I started feeling the burn of running for too long, I thought 'Why the hell don't Barbarians use stamina for some attacks?'
Like seriously, specially for high physical-movement based attacks like Whirlwind, Sprint, Furious Charge, Cleave, Leap Attack, etc. Imagine Sprinting in heavy armor, Swinging an axe through multiple targets, spinning through crowds, then trying to run without getting puffed...
I think skills, mainly Active skills which suit it (Obviously skills like Hammer of the Ancients wouldn't use your stamina because its pure magic), should use Stamina as well as Fury. I also think that Passive skills that change the way you attack should use Stamina in a way also. For instance Frenzy increases attack speed and stacks, so maybe for every 'stack' of Frenzy that's activated, you use 1 Stamina per attack. So if you are focusing a heap on attacking fast and maxing out Frenzy, you will have to make sure you have a lot of stamina to support it.
And things like Sprint should use just Stamina, I mean sprinting is hardly magical or anything so why should it use fury?
Blizzard would have to re-balance the Barbarian resource system and maybe change some skills (like Recovery would maybe recover more Stamina, as well as Health from Health Globes). But I think it would be very awesome if they did it, it makes sense in every way and has no cons that I can think of except for complicating things slightly more. But I think the Pros outweigh it, and its a pretty complicated game when it comes down to it anyway (when compared to other game genres anyway).|||Hi!
Not a bad idea IMHO. Atm resource system for barb is waiting for the amount you want and then use the skill. If it gives enough fury back (WW costs 1 fury orb for example) you cast it again and again... yeah. This would be something you would need to look after and make you take some decisions. Hitting few "normal" moves like bash or HotA would then be smart thing to do.
Only problem with this system would be that it ends up being too limiting. Cooldowns on skills could be considered as being hard version of Stamina. I think many people would like to have this kind of soft system instead of short cooldowns.|||True, I did'nt really think of cooldowns as hard versions of stamina. But my point still stands. For a big attack with a cooldown, you can still run around like normal.
And it wouldnt be that limiting (providings the devs balance it properly), if anything it would give you more options.
Atm its looking like you run into a mob of enemies, attack normally for a while, because thats all you can do, then start using some skills.
With stamina as a secondary resource, you could run in and use Furious Charge, then start attacking, then use something different like HotA.
I think it would just add more depth to combat and the barbarian in general. With just fury its pretty basic really, attack to gain power then use it, rinse and repeat. If you had one resource that goes up over time, and one that goes down over time, and both effecting different things. Gameplay would be much more interesting and satisfying IMO.|||i agree, that the physical reality would be more realistic with stamina, however i think fury counts as both anger/adrenaline and stamina, because with the skills you need X fury to make an action, but to make an action you would logically also need stamina, so i believe, that stamina is implicit in the fury.
Blizzard could change the name "fury" to "stamina", which would make the requirement to make an action more accurate and rational, but i highly doubt they would. However, like i said in the beginning, i think stamina is implicit in fury, and thus including stamina with fury would only complicate things even more, and perhaps not even make such an enjoyable game.|||But that wouldn't be fair for a Barbarian player.

It would be a very good way to get players to mix up which skills they use instead of spamming the same thing. Blizzard said they don't want people to be running in spamming the same skill over and over, they said that they want to player to have to think about what they are doing and to use different skills to overcome different situations.
Having two resources that are related to different skills each, would do that brilliantly. You could enter battle, use all your stamina on a highly physical move like whirlwind or cleave for a bit, then when you're out of stamina you use all the fury you earned on something like wrath of the berserker or HammerOTA.
I dunno, just an idea... I just think that there are easy ways to get players to use different skills, Blizzard just needs to figure out the best way. I personally would love to have to use a range of skills to get through the game instead of just using Whirlwind over and over.|||Quote:
KIIfive: I personally would love to have to use a range of skills to get through the game instead of just using Whirlwind over and over.
I am quite sure, that you won�t be able to smam ww all the time, because afterall he looses fury each time, which can�t be replenished like mana in d2, where he could had mana leech or mana potions.
Although in the battlemaster skill three he has a skill called: Enrage, which at rank 5 instantly gives you 1 fury and increases the fury gain with 300%, and the good thing is, that it doesn�t cost you anything, but even so you would sill have to wait until you have gained fury.
I still stand by what i said. Morever one thing is to come up with these theories and ideas, another is to implement them into a game by programming them, and even though it�s possible, it most likely wouldn�t be very fun and neither do i think it would be balanced.|||Hi!
I am quite sure, that you won�t be able to smam ww all the time, because afterall he looses fury each time, which can�t be replenished like mana in d2, where he could had mana leech or mana potions.
Although in the battlemaster skill three he has a skill called: Enrage, which at rank 5 instantly gives you 1 fury and increases the fury gain with 300%, and the good thing is, that it doesn�t cost you anything, but even so you would sill have to wait until you have gained fury.
I still stand by what i said. Morever one thing is to come up with these theories and ideas, another is to implement them into a game by programming them, and even though it�s possible, it most likely wouldn�t be very fun and neither do i think it would be balanced.
You gain fury from skills. So if your WW does enough damage you get the 1 fury orb back that WW costs. Most likely you will get tons more if you hit alot of enemies.|||Quote:
You gain fury from skills. So if your WW does enough damage you get the 1 fury orb back that WW costs. Most likely you will get tons more if you hit alot of enemies.
that�s possible, however the difference is still, that you can�t spam your skills like you could in d2 simply by taking a mana poition et cetera.|||Quote:

You gain fury from skills. So if your WW does enough damage you get the 1 fury orb back that WW costs. Most likely you will get tons more if you hit alot of enemies.
If there aren't heaps of enemies around the WW would be wasted. If WW takes a while to use then you are drifting about, spinning whilst your fury drains away. You're assuming that Whirlwind is an attack with no drawbacks, which must be wrong if Blizzard intends to make a game where a diverse spread of skills is encouraged.
In general I don't see the need for the Barbarian to have a second resource. You won't necessarily be entering combat with no fury anyway, seeing as you might often have residual fury from the last fight.
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