Is that based solely on the fact that his "right bulb" is of a different colour than the witch doctor's or has there been any more information on this?
According to the skill descriptions in the video some barbarian skills (Battle Cry and Hammer of the Ancients) use stamina (instead of mana). At the beginning you can see him use Battle Cry and the right bubble decreases - hence it must be a stamina bubble.
One thing still puzzles me though. Furious Charge lists Fury cost instead of Stamina cost, although I haven't made out that "pool" yet.
It might be that they chose the WoW way, where some classes use different pools for their skills (mana, rage, energy).|||It's a nice idea Panaxos, but during the Q&A at the WWI they said they didnt intend to use alternatives to mana.
Though I thought that was quite strange, first of all your statement, as well as the different color of the orb. Plus I dont thinkt he dev really understood the question (damn Frenchies).|||I think leap and whirlwind are good. But it won't be fun if all the skills are from old games. I think the rest of the skills should be new. Frenzy is just too stiff and boring animation. They can ake frenzy back, but in that case, make the animation more agile and less stiff, and make it look like the barb has gone berserk.|||Quote:
I hope they add a lot more original skills. I have played the hell out of the barb. I want something new. And I hope they dont bring back all those useless warcries... only BO and BC were of any use for the majority of players.
And they should give the barb a weapon block skill so that we won't need shields.
You know nothing about Barbs I have a singer that solo's Hell in Lod with nothing but yells and doesn't need any weapons.

Welcome all,
Personally, what Blizzard has shown us so far has brought back so much excitement for this future release, and the barb class looks totally revamped for the better.
Nothing wrong with WW and Leap included, but will they bring back:
Battle Orders
...or other superhuman strength skills with massive power.
This game looks to be awesome not only on the visuals, but the audio as well.
I agree,it looks GREAT.........and,if you watch carefully,you do see the Barb BO a few times.|||Quote:
You know nothing about Barbs I have a singer that solo's Hell in Lod with nothing but yells and doesn't need any weapons.

Buddy I know everything about barbs, and I have made singers as well. They are really cool but even with the best gear they do low damage. Maybe it is possible to beat hell, but that doesn't mean its a good build. It's entertaining but very weak compared to other barb builds.|||I want to see double welded weapons as well as double throwing abilities. It would be so cool.
I liked how one of my thrower Barb could get rid of some sorcs that raged in mad after being defeated xD
They can ake frenzy back, but in that case, make the animation more agile and less stiff, and make it look like the barb has gone berserk.
That should be a must! Then I would love the Barb.|||Am I the only Frenzy lover here? I f**king love that skill! I've found it very much fun and most convenient as barb build. BO + Frenzy + Lifetap = Invincible. If there's Frenzy, that'll probably be my first build. However, it would also be cool if they came up with a new dual wielder skill.|||I used to not like sheild either on barbs but then I tried the ebotdcb and phoenix combo on my ww barb and it changed my mind..u guys shud try it if u haven't yet..
I hope he has some kind of non weapon fighting skills too, kinda like how the assassin kicks (not as martial artsy tho). I think it wud be cool to see him kick some1 in the chest like the king leonitis does in the movie 300 or pick some1 up and throw them or something like that.
And I think he shud have some type of charge up or warcry skill that adds to AR that always was a small problem with me and my barb
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