I would like to see a return of the plate type armors in D3. The Assassin looks so cool in gothic plate. Many of us dislike the "flaps and straps" approach. I feel that both visual types could make it into the game and please more people.
These armors would look hella cool in the new 3d engine. acid etched plate armor...woot!
When fighting hell spawned demons thicker heavier armor just makes sense to me in the diablo series world.|||That demon face isn't badass...is simply ridiculous.Those damn horns make no sense...I don't see how that would protect the barbarian but I do see plenty of ways it could get in his way while fighting.|||I think anyone would agree, as it's been pointed out repeatedly in this thread, that Diablo is by its very nature (being a fantasy role playing game), unrealistic. However, I think most people would agree that there should be some sort of limit on HOW crazy things get. Most fantasy universes have their own set of rules and laws, be it D&D or Marvel Comics. Just because that guy from Final Fantasy 7 swings around a massive 6 by 2 foot blade around with little trouble, does that mean we would want to see that in the Diablo? I mean where do you draw the line? Maybe from whats already been established by previous Diablo games? If you use that logic, I would argue that the images we've seen of Diablo 3 are not consistent with what has already been portrayed in the other Diablo games. They simply do not fit. IMO of course.
Personally I would rather see the barbarian wearing the armor in the style it's supposed to look like and not have it magically transformed into some crazy barbarian style gear when he puts it on. I mean, he's a BARBARIAN, when I think of what a barbarian is, I think of a savage who rapes and pillages and steals, among other things, armor and weapons, and uses those things like a savage effin' beast, not a pomp and proper paladin with his polished shoulder pads and nice shiny shield. No, I see a barbarian picking stuff off DEAD paladins (that he may or may not have killed) and mixing and matching, maybe he happens to get a nice shiny suit of armor, maybe not, whatever he loots is what he wears. I don't see a barbarian uh 'upholstering' full plate with animal hides and fur and then welding horns onto it or what not. But obviously he's not a barbarian in that sense, and I'm sure theres been plenty of literature written on the "barbarian culture" (hows that for a contradiction of terms?), but a man can dream.
Then there are those who will say "it's a game so it can be as unrealistic as we want". I don't want it to be THAT unrealistic is the problem. IMO again.|||It is quite possible to depict the fantastic in a believable, immersive fashion.

Likewise, it is possible to depict both the real and fantastic in an unbelievable fashion...

Now I certainly don't want D3 looking like Saving Private Ryan but I'd definitely like a move away from the current parody we've seen with the heavily armoured barbarian. Immersion and cartoon proportions make poor bedfellows and whether you conciously realise it or accept it, decreased ability to identify as your character will harm the game's entertainment value for you.
edit:I don't mean to imply anything by my choice of first picture being one featuring darkness, grime and a prevalance of point lighting. I just got bored fast of finding suitable pics.|||I hated Frodo with a passion. He basically ruined the LotR trilogy.|||The biggest issue seems to be with the size of the shoulderpads and the way the belts are designed right? Its still early and Samwise himself has said art doesn't stop until they ship a game. So, you can be sure they will go through many styles. Whether they will agree with a group of fans that the shoulders/belts need to be toned remains to be seen.
Though after complaints from fans about the look of the Terran buildings/vehicles in SC2 as being too shiny, they did give it a more worn look, same with the change in the siege tank.
So, just continue voicing your opinions and I'm sure Blizzard will take note of it.|||Quote:
It is quite possible to depict the fantastic in a believable, immersive fashion
Agreed. I think a decent example of this from the diablo series is qual-kheks armor from d2lod. Its in the image I posted above (if anyone bothered to look). Its not over the top with 2 foot spikes. In fact he is wearing a chain mail suit uderneath his breastplate and shoulder plates. It looks very nice. An updated version of this armor in 3d is really what I had in mind for the d3 gothic plate for the barb.
I was happy with the looks of armor in d2lod (esp the plate types)and would like this to be taken to the next level in 3d.|||I'm not implying I'm an art wiz, but I like this clumsy photoshop I just made.

Yes those shoulder pads are a reasonable size. As for the belt, seems a bit odd but It's not as bad as over sized shoulders that block your side view.
You didn't edit the belt did you?|||No.
I think the belt is weird too, but that's about it. It's like someplace to rest his arms or something.
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