I know there are more other topics about Fury in the forum, but I looked at the wiki, videos and screens, and I noticed something interesting. I want to know your sincere opinion here. Please read it all before post.
Lets see.
From Flux analysis
Fury is the new mana, but only (so far) for Barbarians. Fury replaces mana, but unlike the old blue bulb, it does not fill up when not in use. Barbarians have zero Fury to start with, and only build it up during combat, when they land successful strikes to their enemies. As soon as the Barb is not fighting, the Fury starts to drain away, and it seeps out quite quickly. I frequently filled my Fury bulb completely during a fight, paused to pick up an item or two, then ran to find more monsters, and arrived just as my Fury went down to nothing.
This is completely clear and well explained —and awesome to me in fun purposes—. But we will take another step forward.
Now, please take a look at this screenshot from BlizzCon:
If you take a look at the left side of the screen you can see the stats of a low level —level five— Barbarian class, and right inside the Vitality square you can read:
*Life: 100
*Fury regens 0.0 per second
Compare it to the d3wiki for other chars
From the d3wiki:
Vitality governs the amount of life your character has and how fast its mana regenerates.
1 point of Vitality gives:
* +x Life
* Mana Regeneration of +x per second
As we see, for the Bararian, the Fury is listed just in spite of Mana.
The BIG question here then is try to determine if Fury will or not will regenerate over time. If you look again at the screen, we will see this 0.0 per second. But the Barbarian is only level 5, and his Vitality is very very low: just 30 points.
*Will this 0.0 Fury regen per second increase with high amounts of Vitality?
*If not... then why the hell is it listed inside the Vitality square? It would be nonsense if it will be a fixed 0.0 vitality-independent and it will be always showed this way here. If it is showed here, we must suppose there is a relationship between Vitality and Fury regeneration. If not... then the other shows in the Stats would be non dependent too. No way, I think.
What do you think?
Personally, I think YES. With high level and with high Vitality Fury will regenerate, it doesn't matter if you will fight or not. I think in Blizzcon they didn't see it because they were low level with low VIT.
Of course, it wouldn't increase so extremely faster than ruin the game and destroy the fun about the Fury, but I think the more Vitality you got the faster the increase will be. I'm not talking about an immense amount of regeneration, just a bit help here with high level to let you use some weak Fury-dependent skills before engage an important or main combat.
Remember: in the WWI debut movie from June 2008, the Barbarian Fury orb could be seen refilling when no skills were in use. This was a cheat/bug barbarian because Blizzard wanted to show us staff and skills, and I'm pretty sure he will got higher level, higher damage, and higher VITALITY.
I know the video is just a video and it is old, but I think it is another prove of this.
I also think Blizzard knows that if you won't have regen, some guys will be annoying if they are fighting, picking items, going to town, or take a break, or phone calls and take his Fury full empty. A bit of Fury regen (0,5 per second, 1.0 per second) would help a lot during long and epic fights too, and it makes sense to me —also in PVP.
Perhaps there will be a fixed decrease if you won't fight and got a low VITALITY and then it shows "0.0 regen per second", And as I said, the more vitality you got the higher the increase will be, and then if you got a high VIT, you could get a positive regen at some point (when your positive regen overcomes your unknown negative penalty or drain).
Or there is another possibility —which just doesn't exclude the first one— here: perhaps it just will decrease slowly. A Barbarian with less Vitality will see his Fury drained faster than his teammate with better Vitality. It also makes sense to me and would make it all about equipment and customization. Who knows?
The debate is open. I told you my opinion but what do you think?
PS: OT; I tried my best, but please forgive my bad English If I wrote a mistake.|||I think that perhaps the base barbarian fury regeneration is negative. So your barbarian always is losing fury when idle, as Flux states, and we have seen from the barb's gameplay. Now additional vitality increases your +fury regeneration. But if your base fury regeneration is -xxx/second, and you have +x/second from your current vitality, then you would still lose it, but more slowly than you would with less vitality. Therefore, it would not regenerate, per se, but you could slow its degeneration. This also allows for why it would be displayed in the vitality window (although I would think listing the total regeneration [including any negative base values] would be more useful, but possibly that specific area only lists information related to vitality, ie the +regeneration you get from it). This, to me, seems the most likely way to have all the currently known information agree. Whether or not the dev. team wants to balance it such that it is possible to have your total fury regeneration be >0 or not, I don't know. Could be that with maximum possible/likely vitality, your fury regeneration, including items, is still a fairly negative number, or it could be possible with specialized gear to have it be 0 or even regenerate, but I think that would undermine the system set before us somewhat.|||I don't think it will regenerate over time in the same sense that mana does. I mean, it just seems like that would totally undermine the idea behind fury which is to differentiate from mana and not make it 'mana the regens, only slowly.' I think the Barbarian will focus moreso on retaining the fury he already has built up rather than having it regenerate.|||Ah. I see what's going on.
Yes, Vitality will increase fury regeneration. However, having .1 fury regen doesn't mean you'll have a full point of fury after each second, because it is also draining at the same time. So yeah, more vitality = slower fury drain. And I think the (very hard to reach) max will be no drain at all, which I'm sure will be popular in PvP.
Good thread.|||emmm i think this stuff was like WoW warrior and druid in bear form...and would basicly just work in % and not based on the actual vit since it would make no sense at all making full vit barb wayyy to strong it will probly be just to balance your pool per lvl if skill cost a bit more...dont know if you get it
and as for the pic and vid it was just to show off the actual game probly wont be near that
and i really doubt it would regen without any special equipment imo...it would remove the purpose of rage/fury since it would be exactly like mana but a bit slower and then they would need to adjust it with skill and such and would really end up just having mana but lower,you will probly have more skill to get it up like in WoW anyway
the way fury/rage work in WoW because i think you never played it and really dont understand what this system mean...it work like you take hit you gain rage,you hit enemy you gain rage simple as that based on dmg also so...yeah its a nice and easy system...not really original imo but its a proven one that work really well
slower fury drain could also become problematic imo in a game like in Diablo since the Barb would just gain mana and if high enought have no or almost no loss to is fury and just become a caster without having to go in much...maybe the regen is there to balance the lvl climb
like say a lvl1 barb lose 1 per sec and a lvl2 would lose 2 per sec vit would be there only to balance that loss plus the vit gear you have on you so you could choose between more dmg and faster rage gain or slower drain in rage and low dmg|||I'm not sure your math works out, Psycho. Warriors in WoW have a fixed maximum rage of 100, while Barbarians start with 30 max fury and can go up from there. So the restoration doesn't need to be percentage. If it was a straight number, you would need more vitality every few levels like you wanted.|||Quote:
the way fury/rage work in WoW because i think you never played it and really dont understand what this system mean...it work like you take hit you gain rage,you hit enemy you gain rage simple as that based on dmg also so...yeah its a nice and easy system...not really original imo but its a proven one that work really well
I understand perfectly how this system works, Psyco. As I said, it was perfectly explained by Flux in the quote.
I you read my post complete, you can see why I'm telling the things I'm telling.
I'm not debating the function of fury, and I'm not debating if this is good or if this is bad. Personally it looks awesome to me and I understand perfectly how it works in the Flux description. At this moment, I'm in love (lol) with the fury system, I can't wait more to start a hardcore barbarian myself. Looks ways better than d2 and freaking fun and tactical.
I just think it is nonsense to show it just inside the Vitality in the "character page". It is not casual, I think. It must be for a reason. Showing it without no real function is just a mess. Almost granted vitality have something to do with the regeneration or the drain. Probably slowing the drain speed of Fury, as some people also said, IMO.
But... who knows

Of course, it is just my opinion, and I respect yours.|||The "Fury" stat is the same as "Rage" in WoW. Still though, I think the effects of Vitality would be interesting.
Perhaps we should ask Bashiok further on this?
It's such a bummer they don't have Q&A Batches for D3 like they do SC2 =P
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