I think the Barbarian's armor looks cartoony. There's just... something about him. I think maybe his arms/shoulders might be too big and/or his midsection is too small. To compound it, all the images I can remember of the barbarian at this instance have gigantic shoulder armor.|||hardly cartoony (GW)
total charicature(WoW)
quite cartoony (D3 alpha)
Actually I don't see why you have a thread title like "The Barbarian is not cartoony." but write instead about how D2's graphics weren't years ahead of their time. D3 is certainly less cartoony than Wow, but then Wow is more cartoony than the average cartoon. Other than the shoulders, I like what we've seen of D3's character models.|||Quote:
I think the Barbarian's armor looks cartoony. There's just... something about him. I think maybe his arms/shoulders might be too big and/or his midsection is too small. To compound it, all the images I can remember of the barbarian at this instance have gigantic shoulder armor.

I don't get how big spikey shoulderpads and a badass demon face with horns for a belt is "Cartoony". Spikey shoulderpads, loincloths and such are just traditional accesories for savage barbaric races in fantasy settings.
I dont think he looks very much like an Orc from warcraft. The textures look alot dirtier and crisp than WoW.
Warcraft Orcs = Savage, Barbaric.
Barbarian = Savage, BARBARIC (obvious).
Spikey leather shoulderpads = Barbaric.
Even if there are some similiarities I really don't care if they look a little similiar to Warcraft orcs. They look cool to me and better than anything in WoWs ugly stretched out textures. Plus they're not the only shoulderpad graphics in the game if you really hate them that much.
People are also forgetting about how ridiculous looking alot of barbarian items in d2 were like the jawbone caps and other crazy helmets. When barbarians wore plate mail in D2 it looks absolutely nothing like real platemail, would you consider that cartoony too? They can wield 2 oversized two-handed weapons at the same time and spin a circle.. Isn't that "Cartoony" or "unrealistic"...Who cares? It's cool, it's fantasy and its about beating the crap out of demons.
It doesn't look like a cartoon it's just a pair of spikey shoulderpads on an old barbarian dude who wants to kick some demon ***.|||Quote:
I didn't say anything about Warcraft.
It's just over exaggerated. The horns on the belt are a little much but neat. It's the giant shoulder armor. Not only that, it looks like you can see a gap between his shoulders and the armor, like it's floating around his shoulder instead of resting on it.|||Quote:
hardly cartoony (GW)
total charicature(WoW)
quite cartoony (D3 alpha)
Actually I don't see why you have a thread title like "The Barbarian is not cartoony." but write instead about how D2's graphics weren't years ahead of their time. D3 is certainly less cartoony than Wow, but then Wow is more cartoony than the average cartoon. Other than the shoulders, I like what we've seen of D3's character models.
Honestly those Guild Wars armor sets are just as "Cartoony" as the D3 sets but look much worse and that game was craptastic with slow boring combat + WAYYY too much bloom. 99% of the guild wars armor sets have no basis on reality or real armor. I don't really see the difference except for Diablo 3 looks grittier and darker.
The only class in Diablo II that had realistic armor at all was the Paladin. Every other class looked totally unrealistic and fantasy based as far as armor goes. That's fine too it is a videogame, as long as it looks cool and fits the context of the world it is in it doesn't matter if its realistic or not.
The screenshot of the female barbarian is a still frame up close shot going down some stairs. The game is supposed to be played zoomed way further out. In screenshots you get Jagged lines on the outside but trust me it looks much better in full motion. I admit it doesn't look that great in that crappy screenshot but I just explained why and the armor itself looks fine for a fantasy game. It doesn't really stretch any boundries of the diablo universe.
Everyone needs to stop getting "Cartoony" mixed up with "Fantasy". If the game was totally realistic there would be no demons, skills, town portals, spells, magic items, magic runes, undead and well that you can drink the entirety of instantly + 1000 other things.|||Quote:
People are also forgetting about how ridiculous looking alot of barbarian items in d2 were like the jawbone caps and other crazy helmets. When barbarians wore plate mail in D2 it looks absolutely nothing like real platemail, would you consider that cartoony too? They can wield 2 oversized two-handed weapons at the same time and spin a circle.. Isn't that "Cartoony" or "unrealistic"...Who cares? It's cool, it's fantasy and its about beating the crap out of demons.
Actually I'm pretty sure In D2 none of the char models had massive gargoyles sticking out of their stomachs. Unrealistic isn't a strong enough word, absurd would be more appropriate.
The proportions In WoW, and to a lesser extent D3 alpha, are caricatures of actual human beings. GW, among other many other games, bothers to maintain humanoid dimensions. I'm not sure how you can not see this.|||Quote:
I didn't say anything about Warcraft.
It's just over exaggerated. The horns on the belt are a little much but neat. It's the giant shoulder armor. Not only that, it looks like you can see a gap between his shoulders and the armor, like it's floating around his shoulder instead of resting on it.
I think you are just picking at every tiniest of flaw, which tends to be more of senseless than constructive feedback.|||Quote:
I didn't say anything about Warcraft.
It's just over exaggerated. The horns on the belt are a little much but neat. It's the giant shoulder armor. Not only that, it looks like you can see a gap between his shoulders and the armor, like it's floating around his shoulder instead of resting on it.
I dont think the shoulders are floating. The barbarian has pretty huge shoulders even without those pads on and as far as I can tell the modelers are smart enough to make them not float off the shoulders.
It is other people in threads/petitions/etc. that make the Warcraft comparisons.|||Quote:
Actually I'm pretty sure In D2 none of the char models had massive gargoyles sticking out of their stomachs. Unrealistic isn't a strong enough word, absurd would be more appropriate.
Absurd you mean like the massive horns on the great helms which were just as big and useless as the ones on the barbarians belt? Do you mean absurd like leaping 50 feet in full platemail? Maybe you mean absurd like conjuring a gigantic iceball weighing hundreds of pounds flying across the screen shooting dozens of three foot long icicles at 500lb maggots in the depths of hell?
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