It seems odd that Blizzard would make the Barb look so old. Im not complaining, im just saying its weird, since a more younger looking character would have a bigger appeal to most gamers. Is it possible that the barb they showed us is not actualy the playable model we use, but simply something like a merc, or a guide, similar to what cain was? If thats true, could Cain die, and the new Barb be the New Cain?
That's the playable barbarian. They said they wanted it to feel like it was the 'same' barbarian from D2 in D3, thus, the aging.|||Whats the problem with the barbarian man? His age is not gonna make you play slower or worst then if he was young anyway. Plus most of the time you will have a helm on so you will not even see his face. And the most important fact is that its great to have the feeling that its the same guy that I had in the previous game, i feel more attached to him. A young guy would be appealing more for people that havent played much the previous game|||Im the opposite, I love playing "old" chars that can destroy stuff.|||I love the new look of the barb. He looks a lot more powerful, but at the same time, wiser. I really dig it.|||I quite like the current appearance of the Barbarian as well, it indeed makes him seem wiser and more experienced. It is also a nice break from the generic fantasy clich�, where heroes inevitably appear as youthful, handsome, energetic and not in the least bit troubled by their burdensome responsibilities. It's quite refreshing to see how this (male) Barbarian has this "lived through" appearance.
Of course, the female barbarian on the other hand seems to be exactly the opposite of this, as she is basically the embodiment of the clich�: fair-haired (temper!), beautiful, youthful appearance, and with armour that's barely enough to cover her more intimate body parts (makes you wonder how she gets through fights unharmed). (disclaimer: both descriptions are based on how they appear on artwork - the actual in-game representation might be wildly varying)
As far as I'm concerned your point has merit, though I do wonder how much value most people actually attached to the age of the Barbarian in d2. I can only speak for myself, but it appeared to me that he had quite an ageless appearance in d2, meaning he could be any age ranging from his twenties to his fourties. In other words, his age didn't really matter to me.|||I don't think it makes much of a difference.
I like the older looks to make it a bit more unique compared to D2, although it doesn't seem to make sense that he HAS to be older looking to represent that 20 years passed. Why not a younger Barbarian generation to represent the class in D3? They did not have any sons? lol, a young, fresh looking Barb (maybe with hair) would be neat, but like I said I don't mind the present one.
I think people won't bother about character age though. Look at Diablo II, the Sorceress looking (and sounding) very young, and the Necro being quite older. Both have a great fanbase and at some point (earlier days, pre-nerfs) the Necro was one of the most popular classes.|||Looking at the new Barbarian, I'm reminded of the brutish Nordic Peoples long ago including the vikings. I mean, weren't the Vikings and Goths the most famous of the Barbarians? If I remember correctly (which i don't), these barbarians were a threat even to the Roman Empire.
But this is just what I'm reminded of anyways.

I guess we could think that some things will be customizable on classes like hair or something...
Still, I do like the barbarian as it is.|||I'm not sure if they said it's meant to be the *same* barbarian player character as from D2, but I do recall seeing in some interview where they were discussing that they wanted the player character to actually *be* a character. So you get these interactions where you actually talk to Cain and other NPCs, and there is a personality and all that behind the model. Giving a more unique, aged look can add to this.
That having been said, one thing did stand out to me. It wasn't his age - but rather the huge bulk, and the way he breathed during that interaction with Cain. He seemed *very* similar to Thrall from Warcraft. o_O I can't help but see him more as an albino Orc than a human barbarian =P
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