Another thing is the lack of mana efficient AoE (WW costs a big chunk of mana) sorry if im wrong if WW goes down is mana cost with higher skill... i quit my barb after lvl 38 because of the lack of variety i felt..
here are the 3 skill trees i think there should be:
Swords and Axes
3 different paths in the tree,
1 for swords (left, masteries and mayb somehings like slice and dice)
1 for axe (right, again masteries and mayb something like Cyclone that hits all adjacent enemies)
1 for attacks that can be used in both.. A varient of WW (thats going in next tree) and some other general skills and passives like extra crit strike..
Maces and two handed Weapons (poles, Bardiches, Spear and things)
3 paths again very similar to last tree
1 Maces (masteries and some skills like 'Skull Crack' and blunt like skills.
1 for 2 handed weapons (WW and masteries ]maybe a skill that allows Dual Wield and more points = more damage at max skill it could be somehting like 75:75 damage]
1 for more passives and other skills ... Maybe a crack armor skill that lowers targets defence by half? or target takes double damage from physical attacks for 10 seconds...
And ofcourse Party/Shouts..
pretty much the same shouts as D2 i thought they were the only versatile part of barb in D2...
well if anybody has opinions on this would be happy to hear them

Combat mastery - Movement and general skills, Dash, leap, WW
Warcrys - shout etc.
IF they arent skills, they're going to be something like talents ala wow i think.|||i'm not a big fan of limiting skills by weapon type. One hand vs. two hand, maybe; it would be cool if there were some moves that could only be done with 2 handed weapons; huge powerful swings and such. And by the same token there'd need to be some quicker, fast/close hits that could only be done with one handed weapons.
But to have sword vs. axe, or other such divisions would really limit the gameplay. If there's a cool skill you want to use it whether you're a sword or mace or spear barb, and I'll be surprised if blizzard goes that route.|||Quote:
i'm not a big fan of limiting skills by weapon type. One hand vs. two hand, maybe; it would be cool if there were some moves that could only be done with 2 handed weapons; huge powerful swings and such. And by the same token there'd need to be some quicker, fast/close hits that could only be done with one handed weapons.
But to have sword vs. axe, or other such divisions would really limit the gameplay. If there's a cool skill you want to use it whether you're a sword or mace or spear barb, and I'll be surprised if blizzard goes that route.
I dunno. No one complained about the limitations of amazons to spears javelins and bows.
That said, I just don't think it makes sense to have a skill that is meant to send a shockwave through the ground, performable by a sword. Likewise I think certain skills would make more sense with swords.
Perhaps just dividing by subset would make sense. Pericing attacks (spears), Slicing attacks(Swords / Axes) and Blunt attacks(Hammers / Maces). As long as they provide a different gameplay experience from one another, and there are different options with each weapon, I think it will be fine and wont feel restrictive. It was only silly in D2 because all weapons were BASICALLY the same, with the exception that you were gimped if you didn't dump your skill points into the right mastery. I Think if they play different it will add more variety to the game, rather than simply being less restrictive.
I'd prefer they didn't divide them between dw and 2h though

Either way I think one of the trees will be a weapon mastery tree. Whether that means weapon restricted attacks, or simple weapon based attacks could be up in the air. Of course I could be wrong but whatevs.|||Some skills maybe don't have be weapon based at all? Such as stomp, leap and these.|||Quote:
Some skills maybe don't have be weapon based at all? Such as stomp, leap and these.
Yeah, Stomp, leap, charge, whirlwind, probably some other basic skills, berserk if it's in. Basically stuff that makes sense to use with any weapon. It just wouldn't make sense to put in a skill that impales enemies, and then use it with a hammer.
I just forsee the big aoe / more powerful skills being weapon restricted. That's just my vision of D3 though and the dev's probably have a different one.|||Quote:
There's going to be a whole different skill system apparently. So skill trees will most likely be dumped.
I dunno... D2 had skill trees and they were successful. WoW has talent trees, and they're obviously successful. Seems like if their top 2 games in the last decade included that mechanic they'd have something similar in D3.
Could be completely redesigned, but I see them having trees of some sort. That's the only way to create variety between two characters of the same class.
Also, the devs mentioned something about respecs being in the game in some fashion, which would lead me to believe there will be choices you have to make between skills. So unless there's just one big pool of skills you can choose from with no level or pre-req requirements, it will take the form of one or more "trees".|||I bet there will still be a tree system, but I doubt they'll be grouped into three panels as in D2. They no longer need to preserve the half-screen UI window theme.|||yeah, theres gotta be a skill system or something of that kind. otherwise character progression would lack something. im a barb fan and i love swords and i was a tad disappointed when i learned that axes (nothing against them, but just love swords) were the strongest weapons in most cases.
regarding skills in general: like in d2, with patches and expansions, the gameplay is gonna change. skilling and statting will evolve and many builds from the first version wont work anymore later, but theres gonna be new builds, new weapons that will make make even more builds possible.
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