Ok, let me change that up a bit..
Any game worth a damn 101
I may be narrow minded in this respect, but I just don't see anyone really specializing in one tree and getting away with it for the entire game, in SP, anyway
If understand their mechanics correctly, to gain access to top skills you will need to heavy specialize/invest in one tree.
Btw. I don't know if we should call it trees, i didn't see any "---" between them.|||I know this is an older thread, but it is applicable none the less. D-Source just posted some skill trees today, they look pretty sweet and have the functionality which is the same is that of Blizzcon.
http://www.diablo-source.com/index.p...act=view&id=90|||Totally out of date now though. We know from Blizzcast 8 that the trees have been changed to 7 tiers.|||Hmm I have one little question...
With the tier system you would have to spent all of your points in one skill tree, and you couldn't get some skills of the other 2 trees, right?
That's like prerequisites taken to extreme

So if someone is planning to maximize at least two 7 tier skills from different tabs they will first have to spend 60 points in "weaker" skills. That leaves the person with 40 skill points remaining (excluding quest skills) so its possible to maximize only two skills from different tabs.|||Quote:
There will be 7 tiers and each tier requires 5 more skill points than the previous (correct me if i'm wrong), so to unlock a 7 tier skill you'll have to spend 30 skills points on that specific "skill tab".
So if someone is planning to maximize at least two 7 tier skills from different tabs they will first have to spend 60 points in "weaker" skills. That leaves the person with 40 skill points remaining (excluding quest skills) so its possible to maximize only two skills from different tabs.
They aren't "weaker" skills, just different. This isn't D2, you can't just pump your points into one skill and get through the game. You will be using many of the active skills in the tree that you take.|||Quote:
So if someone is planning to maximize at least two 7 tier skills from different tabs they will first have to spend 60 points in "weaker" skills. That leaves the person with 40 skill points remaining (excluding quest skills) so its possible to maximize only two skills from different tabs.
I doubt the max level is still 20 for every skill like in D2, it's most likely been changed, and as Telzen said, there won't be an overabundance of weak skills.|||Quote:
Before anyone gets to hasty, we need to recognize that these skill trees aren't dead-set on how they will be in-game, or so Ive heard.
Still, I wonder if it would be wise to invest in one tree and max that out, versus branching out to all three and have a multitude of abilities? but obviously, being a little weaker with those skills.....
Of course they arent.. they havent probably done much balancing yet. Balancing the skills and the game will probably take a lot of time and the skills and the system will change many times before release and even after the release.
Imo we shouldn't be able to fill most of the skills in the trees.. that will lead to a situation where everyone have quite similar builds and once you have done one character there isn't much point doing another same class. Also there would be a lot of skills that you woundn't use much if you have max points for some skill and then you have one tree that is not completely filled up and you have a few skills there that aren't really strong compared to others.
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