of course it is alright to fantasies fictional characters, everyone needs a little room for their imagination... what do you think makes tomb raider's posters to flood our magazines for years, you really think it is because of the Tomb Raiding activities? like if.
strong, pissed-looking girl characters are always appealing to some, like me. the barbie doesn't get me but if I have to I'd choose her over the wizard.
and I will always have a little special thing for Jessica Rabbit....|||Well there's strong and then theres just plain over the top and thats what the female barb is, over the top.
This whole idea that females have to be bulky to be "strong" is just plain false and ridiculous. Females lack the testosterone levels of males which makes this bulking up almost impossible without extreme measures like man made chemicals such as steroids. Even women who weight train 3 days a week still retain their curves. And I rather like that fact!
Most of a womens strength is in her legs not her upper body. I am talking about natural women here. Its funny to watch volleyball players out squat some dudes at the gym.
I blame the female barb look on three things -Frazetta paintings, modern steroid use and protein supplements, and not wanting a another amazon type character.
This female barb is way to ripped.|||she's attractive in the sense that i wouldn't never say she's not my type. but having said that women that are muscular (but not "barbaric") are attractive. hate to bring it up but like devon michaels.|||Just stumbled over this amazing piece of a... uhm, work and reckoned it might fit in this very thread here:
Artist's name is Don Flaws (http://donflaws.blogspot.com), by the way.
Also interesting that the developers apparently decided against this draft:

...and rather went for that more generic (dare I say worn out), heavily 'Red Sonja' inspired character design.|||Quote:
Also interesting that the developers apparently decided against this draft ...and rather went for that more generic (dare I say worn out), heavily 'Red Sonja' inspired character design.
Probably it's Blizz habit of paying homage to famous characters and franchises .. they really like doing that.|||Quote:
Hi guys,
Time I fessed up...
Had her pic (the one from official D3 site) as my desktop for a while...
I've got a thing for redheads...
Anyone else agree or am I just plain weird

I don't think that it's at all strange that that you have a thing for the female barbarian. There's nothing wrong with enjoying a large muscular woman.
Whatever gets your engine running. /wink|||Quote:
Just stumbled over this amazing piece of a... uhm, work and reckoned it might fit in this very thread here:
Artist's name is Don Flaws (http://donflaws.blogspot.com), by the way.
Also interesting that the developers apparently decided against this draft:
[ IMG ]http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/6440/dsc00558k.jpg[ /IMG ]
...and rather went for that more generic (dare I say worn out), heavily 'Red Sonja' inspired character design.
Ah man, I kinda dig the Big Barda thing for female barbarians.|||I have to say, she's not really my type, as far as women go. Plus there's always that lingering chance that you might say something to offend her and get your skull bashed in.|||not as bad as female tauren in wow
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