back to d3. the barb skill ground stomp is still mainly a melee skill. the casters arent just going to stand still for u to run up and stomp on their face they are going to be running around and, god forbid, teleporting.
planning a build around one skill wont work in d3 is what im seeing/hoping. i want to see a wide array of skill use in duels. and i also want to see cool character deaths, and not just a naked scream lol. decapitations, dismemberment, explosions and the like = thumbs up

d2 pvp was FTL with all the hacking and runeword bs and ugh it just lamed the game out totally. and stun lock was a joke. all the other stunning skills like smite or the barb skill stun did nothing. mind blast or whatever that stupid skill was called for the assassin was retarded. bad manners pretty much. mind lock and let traps slowly drain hp. took forever and was worst duels ever cause they just ended up running around. YAWN.
This just proves that you were bad at pvp in D2, and that's it. Not that that's such a terrible thing, it was just a game after all. Anyway, this thread is pretty much rapped up:
It's too early to know.|||lol yes i wasnt too good against the people that bought their gear or used hacks or cheap builds. i find and use my gear. i even made my own fortitude

d3 pvp will not be d2 pvp. end topic.|||Quote:
Anyway, this thread is pretty much rapped up:
Which is why we can go offtopic.
d2 pvp was FTL with all the hacking and runeword bs and ugh it just lamed the game out totally.
The game is not responsible for its hacked content, nobody forces you to play the hacked version of the game... although, I wasn't very happy about the fact that finding proper PvP was hard for the starter person.
I should make a noobish Nox video some day.
P.S.: watching all that stuff makes me think: Maybe FF wouldn't be a bad idea in PvP.|||just like all the pvp barbs in D2 used Warcry?|||Well, it depends whether ground stomp ends up more like leap or more like warcry. The stun on warcry sucked because it was a limited range. Every good PvP barb in D2 DID use leap because of the giant KB radius.|||Quote:
just like all the pvp barbs in D2 used Warcry?
Successful solo PvP barbs in D2 indeed did not use war cry. My post though was about a predicted effectiveness of ground stomp barbs in team PvP. I predict ground stomp barbs will be effective in team PvP in D3, though due to ground stomp's cooldown, not as effective as I initially thought when I made my original post.|||What the OP was talking about basically is what a trap assassin did in D2. stun and nuke. Anywayz D2 pvp was too simple, because of its simplicity it was exploited. what would be more OP than your stomping nuking team? 4 auradins teleporting everywhere.
If you could all think back to old school d2. what was more OP than a knockback bowzon? with that speed you get knocked back faster than you could run forward. im confident every class will have its time. and due to many many patches D3 will eventually be balanced. Im putting money that the witch doctor will be the 1st OP class. because usually the ugly ones are always better.|||pvp in d3 wont be the same as d2-3d makes everything different,there is a lot of animation & everything,I cant explain it,correct me if I am wrong,everything feels a bit loose overall.
I would definitely love to see more skill variety,they have given the barb a crowd control skill apart from ww,and that is a welcome improvement over d2.I'd love to see some mega damage skills for our baba for single enemies(bosses)-something like berzerk but more powerful with a cool animation.
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