But D3 now has this nifty skill -
All that ED%, spread over multiple targets...

Then again, D2 has whirlwind (as does D3 but that's not the point), which does exactly that.|||Well, I think that Dual Wielding will be slightly better at wiping out smaller mobs of tougher enemies, while 2 Handers will handle swarms better.|||Quote:
Then again, D2 has whirlwind (as does D3 but that's not the point), which does exactly that.
True, but Whirlwind relied too much on weapon attack speed to spread the damage, so clunky 2h weapons were out of the question. Cleave spreads it nicely with a single hit. It's actually like Dragon Tail... if DTail damage were to depend on your weapon instead of your boots.|||i really liked the feel i got from the hammer in the WWI video. it just swung very nicely and hit with such power (the physix was very attractive too of course

ill probably be going 2h weapons

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