The Barbarian is traditionally a melee fighter, up close and personal with huge damage weaponry. He is not specifically a ranged fighter. It would be like giving a BoTD CB to an Amazon and saying 'Go on have a go with that'. An amazon would last maybe a few seconds. The Barb would be the same with the bow. Use the class to their inherent strengths.
In D2 the barb can use a bow but has no actual bow skills, this should remain in D3. Want to use a bow? Build a zon (or whatever Blizzard come up with for ranger class in D3)

I think one of the greatest inspiration for the barbarian was Conan the Barbarian.
In the book as he became king he wears a black full body mail. IK set?
If you read those books you will find many occasions where he uses his deadly bow too.
I think its natural that a muscular man can use a much stronger bow then an amazon.
Famed syrian archers, english longbow-men and savage mongolian riders they all where men!|||I don't think the Barbarian should have special bow abilities but I do think there would be situations where he might need a bow, such as hitting ranged attackers across some valley or shoot down a flying attacker.|||Yeah, let's give him magic elemental spells too and the ability to shape-shift into animals. Oh, and auras.
Although bows would follow the barbarian concept it would remove the role of the class.|||No.
Giving the barbarian bows would make him too varied. He has plenty already.
Archery and melee combat are not related and require different skills.|||Sure, why not. The amazon had melee skills. I think throwing would have suited the D2 barbarian more though.|||Quote:
Although bows would follow the barbarian concept it would remove the role of the class.
Bow is one of the first weapons invented by man. Far earlier than the sword.
Its stupid that the barbarian dont know how to use such a simple and deadly weapon.
In diablo there is no such thing as role of a class. Its WoW thinking.
In diablo the characters are all there to kick ***.
The only difference is melee or ranged. But barb was the only class lacking ranged skills and its plain unlogical.
Barbarians are a whole nation. Its stupid they dont have archers.|||Barbarians also seem to be able to cover ground at lightning speeds, scream loud enough to alter reality, leap impossible distances, and generate shockwaves that lay waste to armies.
I don't see why they *need* bows. They already have three perfectly good paths to follow that demonstrate them to be absolute masters of melee combat, I'd rather not see that diluted with bows of all things.
There will be a bow using class - leave archery focusing skills to it.
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