The old barbarian model was more unrealistic than the new one and looked much sillier. The new one is closer to a real life bodybuilder or muscular person and has a much more rugged look. The old one has blobby muscles and just bad anatomy and proportions in general.

The old barbarian combat animations were terrible low-res prerendered 3d sprites doing the same attack motion over and over and whirlwind was just a rotating sprite with a whirling image pasted on top. The new Barbarian animations look so much more brutal and the blood and physics look awesome so it baffles me how Diablo fans could not like it. IT LOOKS SO MUCH MORE FUN.
Corpses disappearing is kind of lame but after a certain amount of time they disappear in Diablo II anyways as well. It was just a demo afterall though and the game is years out.
Witchdoctor is not a freaking Troll from WoW he's based on real life african witchdoctors. They have bone lip piercings, nose piercings, decorative outfits and tribal masks. They have NOTHING to do with WoW Trolls.
Health Orbs just make the game go faster they're no stupider than having a plate belt covered in wacky glue with 16 potions stuck to it that you can drink all at once.
It's not cartoony. I HATE WOW and I would hate if this game looked like WoW BUT.. it looks nothing like WoW it looks like God of War if anything not WoW.
That grass and background looks just like ACT1 of Diablo II. The boss is HUGE AND AWESOME... he bites the freaking barbarians head off in an awesome gorey fashion!!! The game just looks great to me and looks so much fun AND ITS JUST A DEMO.|||Ok, noted.
I find the D3 barbarian alot sexier than D2's

But but but.... I don't want him to bite my head off!
Then don't die

I agree with everything you said except the health orbs. Although that's just because my criticism for them isn't based on realism - it's just a personal gameplay preference. Potions were something you could save up and use when necessary. If you're fighting a boss, how do you stay alive now? Either they will still have potions but you have to buy them, or health orbs will drop after certain amounts of damage but not ncessarily death (which, in my opinion, will REALLY suck and just not feel like Diablo at all), or you would have to keep going back to town to heal. The first option makes the health orbs redundant and you might as well have just had potions, the other two are just plain bad in my opinion.
Potions are still in the game. Health orbs are there just so you don't have to go back to town as often.
edit: I'm pretty sure potions will still drop as well as being bought at towns.|||A thing that sets the health orb apart from potions dropped on the ground is that it heals your whole party if they're close enough and you dont have to equip it like a potion. Graphically they are no more out of place than skill shrines with big giant glowing hands and etc.|||I find their representations within the gameplay different however, with the barbs being more cartoony in Diablo III than in II. The character select screen, not so much. The cut scene, I did not like the look of the characters though, but that is my anti-wowness leaking through.
EDIT: As far as the globes being unrealistic, I do find a difference between them and the shrines. Maybe it's because the shrines are mystical and can have "effects" so to speak (even though I prefer the shrines from DI myself), whereas people and creatures don't "drop" floaty orbs when they die. You can stretch their drops to items and gold, and potions, but not floaty orbs. Change their representation to something less flashy and I'd be okay with them I think.|||bah realism in d3, since when do monsters run around holding some of the stuff they are holding? how can a swarm of itches even hold anything at all? the orbs are fine, cant say i completly agree with them but it will all be fine, wont ruin the game at all.
as for the corpses vanishing, it has to be done if they plan to have that many more monsters on screen at once|||I don't mind anything of this all, in my eyes it doesn't look anything near WOW, it looks MUCH cooler.
The only thing I fear is blizzards mind... maybe they turn the entire game into a MMORPG just like wow... I HATE MMORPG games as I lack a stable internet connection...
FOr the rest I really like what I have seen so far!
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