Specially if these melee builds have different AOE or cleave abilities. Your team is just asking to lose.
On the break you and your other casters need to break instantly for optimum distance. Whilst if you do have a melee, it would be your prerogative on if he should run as interference for your casters, specially if they target your weaker ones. Or if he goes into heavy offense.
With proper strategy, and planing, only teams with their pants caught down are going to be overcome by this ability.|||Here's the end all point: Even if two or more barbs co-ordinated their cooldown, they still have to worry about Fury. Blizz will probably make it so you can't get enough fury in 2.5 seconds to use stomp again. And if 3 or 4 barbs stomped together, the other team will just squish the bunched together barb grapes.
What I am wondering is what PvP between 2 barbs will be like. I imagine it will be more than constant melee. Probably engaing and disengaging repeatedly to use charge or leap or slam or WW.|||i dont think it's possible cuz there will probably be cool down timer on skills, just depend how short.
and i dont see battle order as a d3 barb's skill, dats the biggest drawback if they dont bring it back but that makes the game more balance as well.|||Quote:
World of Warcraft uses a very specific stunlock killing system that makes each reduces the duration of every subsequent stun suffered by a target. Assuming Blizzard implements the same or a similar system, the ground stomps (or any other stunning move) will not actually do anything to their PvP targets after a third (or something similar) stun.
i can still kill you with my stunlock rogue with you crying and not being able to do a thing until its over :P
anyway so far i didint hear anything about an arena....i hope you mean player made arena....cause if there is arena like in WoW it will suck badly...making pre-made vs pickup another problem again...if they do this they might as well just not make any pvp in D3...not that i use pvp often in D2....mostly griefer that go kill low lvl and talk **** and when you kill them they leave the game saying nothing or stuff like "so unfair,you're so pro huh"..../rolleye if they make pvp they should actually make it fun like the first system of WoW pvp...you were rewarded for getting better and being good at pvp....not just afk and say that you own cause you got arena or bg gear.....
god WoW turned into a boring easy mode game because everyone wanted to be geared as well as everyone else but not put any extra effort in it...now everyone look the same and everyone think they own everybody.....too bad i actually miss the day when pvp meant something in WoW and not just another grind|||I wouldn't bother further discussing this topic until we start hearing and seeing the effects of stun abilities of human players. In the meantime, lets guess the Barbarians middle name or something|||Sparker Wolfripper Jetson.|||Quote:
Everything? From items that some people didn't have to builds that canceled out other builds. DII was playable, (just like RTS besides SC are sorta playable), but it was horribly out of balance if you take it to tournament level.
Besides, it was boring. Run around teleporting casting Bone Spirit/Hammer/add skill here... do you find yourself using 20 skills in one duel? And in Classic everyone was a barb.
Spoken by someone who never did any high level dueling. Clueless.
But to the OP, this skill reminds me of a Warcry barbarian in D2. How good were those?

Everything? From items that some people didn't have to builds that canceled out other builds. DII was playable, (just like RTS besides SC are sorta playable), but it was horribly out of balance if you take it to tournament level.
Besides, it was boring. Run around teleporting casting Bone Spirit/Hammer/add skill here... do you find yourself using 20 skills in one duel? And in Classic everyone was a barb.
1. Who the hell plays classic.
2. Diablo2 was and still is the best pvp experience for me. Team duels are loads of fun, but it gets pretty hectic in 4v4.
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