Also on the skill tree it says some skill don't cost fury but on the pic for that skill it says it does.
And... why does it sometimes say smth costs stamina? or is it mana :S cuz the witch doctor uses mana, and that's not what the barbarian uses right?
I'm so confused with this. can somebody explain this?|||The fury mechanic was not implemented in the WWI video apparently.
The descriptions and tooltips for the skills are not complete or final.
I believe stamina may have been considered than dropped.
And yes, the barb uses fury while the witch doctor and wizard use mana.|||So what's the blue liquid thingy|||The blue liquid is mana, unless it's fury. Is fury a different color? Still confused?

and yes, yuo do need to hit things to fill up your fury|||Okej. But what if you hit things with a skill which lets say takes 10 fury to do. do you get fury of that hit?|||I guess you fill Fury with Normal attacks ... Skills on the other hand deplete Fury .. that's the only way it makes sense.|||really did you read that anywhere? Only normal attacks refill fury? Interesting... not sure if that's true however.

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