is a "Leap Attack" not sort of ranged attack ?

Completely OT, but I like your Pred avatar Vyckam|||Nope it would look stupid on a barb, he's suppose to be able to tank up close and dish out a lot of damage fast. A bow is for more agile characters that rely on staying away and slowly wearing down the enemy.|||I wouldn't want a specific bow skill for a barb, but rather a melee skill which also happens to work with bows. That's how interesting hybrids are created.
For example, D2 had a Dream sorcs, who were effective at melee because their Lightning Mastery skill increased all lightning damage contributed by the Holy Shock aura from the Dream runeword.|||Quote:
Yeah, let's give him magic elemental spells too and the ability to shape-shift into animals. Oh, and auras.
We have that already. It's called "Diablo 2"

How about a "hurl weapon" skill? Whatever their existing weapon preference/specialization/etc. They can hurl it at their foe for varied effects. Obviously this would open the "how do they get their weapon back" can of worms, but meh...while we're all wishing...
Bows are historically accurate for a barbarian-type/nomadic peoples, although I do see it as being rather difficult to implement them for the barbarian class in d3. I would probably leave them out as well if I were the dev.
I agree with a previous post about how "cluttered" the barbarian skill tree already is. I looked at it (very) briefly and it looks very overwhelming. I guess i'll have to embrace it though as my preferred class is the barb.|||Bows are historically accurate for Barbarians like Mongols, not Barbarians from Sanctuary.|||yes yes. that's what i meant. edited for clarity.

i lawled at that.
from the d2 manual ::
Throwing Mastery
Although not as well known for their use of bows and other such ranged weapons, hunters from the Steppes have practices the use of thrown weapons since earliest times. The open grasslands of their native soil are well suited for taking down game with swift and accurate blows from a hurled blade. It seems a natural evolution and a simple matter for them to have transferred this skill to combat.
id rather have something involving a ranged throwing attack than a bow. it fits the barbarian. make it go in the dual wield category. although since u couldnt make a runeword for throwing weapons they fell into disfavor in d2 cause they took a while longer to kill unless u have really built ur character for the use of throwing.
it would add a nice mix.. hell they are adding melee type spells for the sorceress why not a ranged attack for the barb..
this is just for the sake of argument^^
i really love the ground pound attack they already have that shoots out in a straight line.. thats more what i like cause its takes some of ur weapon dmg too doesnt it?|||"Barbarians also seem to be able to cover ground at lightning speeds, scream loud enough to alter reality, leap impossible distances, and generate shockwaves that lay waste to armies."
i lawled at that.
from the d2 manual ::
Throwing Mastery
Although not as well known for their use of bows and other such ranged weapons, hunters from the Steppes have practices the use of thrown weapons since earliest times. The open grasslands of their native soil are well suited for taking down game with swift and accurate blows from a hurled blade. It seems a natural evolution and a simple matter for them to have transferred this skill to combat.
id rather have something involving a ranged throwing attack than a bow. it fits the barbarian. make it go in the dual wield category. although since u couldnt make a runeword for throwing weapons they fell into disfavor in d2 cause they took a while longer to kill unless u have really built ur character for the use of throwing.
it would add a nice mix.. hell they are adding melee type spells for the sorceress why not a ranged attack for the barb..
this is just for the sake of argument^^
i really love the ground pound attack they already have that shoots out in a straight line.. thats more what i like cause its takes some of ur weapon dmg too doesnt it? and thats ranged so happy days for all :P|||Has everyone forgotten the throwing axe? Barbs have several skills associated with those weapons, it would be a simple matter of allowing some of the bonuses to cross over to the thrown version.
There are many real instances of tribes wielding spears or axes and a hand weapon. The theory was to overwhelm the enemy with a barrage of thrown weapons while closing to HTH range.
Conclusion - barbarians have little need for bow skills, leave them to the elves.
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