The term barbarian is derived from Greek, and originally meant only a person who did not speak Greek, the folk etymology being that non-Greek speakers sounded like they were wandering around mumbling "barbarbarbarbar". At first, it had no specific pejorative connotation, after all advanced cultures like the Egyptians and Persians were referred to as barbarians. The Romans adopted the term to signify people outside of their military and political control, and it was adopted by western tradition and associated with those European tribes who caused the Romans so much trouble with during their migrations.
As said, many barbarian cultures were depicted as wise and knowledgeable by both the Greeks and Romans. One more applicable to this case would be Caesar's description of the Druidic sect in Britain, a notably barbarian culture, but with a strong association with knowledge and wisdom.
This is correct

About the Romans, the gloryfication of enemies usually only grew after the victory was won. The logic was like; if our enemies are so and so herotic, what must we their vanquishers not be. So praise the enemy to indirectly boast of yourself.|||Sometimes, the sentence "It's just a game" is really called for.
Also, When has Blizzard EVER portraited the barbarian more slow than any of the other characters? I'd like to see some examples.
Seems to me you're just cocking about.|||I don't get it... Why play a Barb when theres Summon Necros and Trap assasins!!!!! I swear if they don't give that WD a clay golem....|||You're reacting to the general meaning of the word "barbarian" and not going by what's in the actual diablo fiction. here's a quote from the d3 barb page:
[blue]Though they were once misunderstood as simple, bloodthirsty invaders, the long and noble history of these proud people is now rightly acknowledged. And therein lies the greater tragedy here, for those of us familiar with the nobility of the barbarians remember too what they call their "vigil", the concept that lay at the very heart of their culture. The barbarians consider it their sworn duty to protect Mount Arreat and the mysterious object within. They believe that if they fail to uphold their duty to the great mount, or are not given a proper burial upon its slopes, they will be denied a true warrior's death, and their spirits shall roam the land without honor for all eternity.[/blue]
they're civilized and strong, they're just warlike and tend to prefer brute force in their combat to finesse and magic. Humans adapt their fighting technique to their abilities and size and skill. And when you're 2 meters tall and massively powerful, you use your natural talents at smashing things, and find skills that complement your power.|||Quote:
........they're civilized and strong, they're just warlike and tend to prefer brute force in their combat to finesse and magic. Humans adapt their fighting technique to their abilities and size and skill. And when you're 2 meters tall and massively powerful, you use your natural talents at smashing things, and find skills that complement your power. a giant hammer appearing out of nowhere to smash things. It is was a sorc it certainly wouldn't be a hammer that appeared.|||I like how Barbarians fight just fine.|||Actually I think there is some truth in saying that Blizzard portraits Barbarians as stupid or primitive, at least in thier comical Bliz-way.
The Barbarian NPCs in Harrogath have a lot to say about the siege. Often when you gossip with one of them they'll tell you how silly (smart?) Larzuk is with his mad (genius!) ideas.
Quotes from the game:
I�ve offered Qual-Kehk my ideas on how to break the siege, but he dismisses them. Is it because I lack scars of battle? Or does he think I�m a couple arrows short of a quiver?
Larzuk possesses a good soul, but at times his mind seems quite unsound. He once asked me for twenty of my finest sheepskins. He said he would fill them with hot air and float like a cloud above the battlefield to spy on Baal�s legions. I worry the siege has driven him mad.
Larzuk is a talented blacksmith, but his head is full of some strange ideas. Just the other day he came to me with a plan to break the siege. He wanted to fill large pipes with exploding powders and steel balls, and then, well, *chuckles* well, like I said. Strange.
Kinda OT: If Qual-Kehk is not a Klingon name I don't know what is.|||Found another one by Nihlathak:
If you’re looking for cases of treacherous magic, Assassin, take a hard look at Larzuk. He was the only one in town that escaped the red fever last spring. He claimed his good fortune was due to hand washing before meals. Very suspicious.|||Barbarian is actually an ancient Greek onomatopoetic word to describe the sound of foreign languages spoken by 'brutish' civilizations ("bar bar bar").
If they don't include find potion/item, i'll never make a barb. Horking ftw!
take care,
Iomanip|||Its a game... Play the character or not
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