an early,cloth wearing figure from the game called Civilization that is
reckless.Warrior has more to do with being a Knight.Warrior has a cooler name

change the head/face and call him a warrior,the armor fits for a warrior.|||Warrior/Knight/Paladin/Whatever will probably be one of the remaining classes..Mixed maybe with some kind of a cleric like figure..
Anyway my point being.. The Barbarian and The Warrior are different enough to be different classes..|||There's no way in hell Blizzard will do that. Blizzard just loooooves their barbarian. I like the warrior from d1 too, but the barb is too well established in the lore. Act 5 of d2 was all about barbs. Also I suppose the skills are way too barbarianish to switch now, what with berserker and juggernaut being tree names and skills like hammer of the ancients and whirlwind...|||Warrior from D1 is a combination of Barb and pala ( sort of )|||By definition, a warrior is someone engaged in battle. This topic needs closure...|||Please no more melee classes, with things like "hammer of the ancients" and "cleave" I think they've shown they cant create them well enough to bother.|||new barb looks alot more interesting than the last, i look forward to using him(though he is currently third in my list)|||Quote:
By definition, a warrior is someone engaged in battle. This topic needs closure...
war�ri�or /ˈwɔriər, ˈwɔryər, ˈwɒriər, ˈwɒryər/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[wawr-ee-er, wawr-yer, wor-ee-er, wor-yer] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. a person engaged or experienced in warfare; soldier.
2. a person who shows or has shown great vigor, courage, or aggressiveness, as in politics or athletics. |||Don't overcomplicate it. It's well known what Warrior is in terms of RPG games|||A guy who uses a weapon. That's how he's known in RPG's. That's how he's known in DI. You're the one making it complicated.
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