It's not her, for a simple reason - Diablo characters never have names.

Of course it is Charsi. They said the barb in D3 would be returning from D2. Now the male barb is the char you were playing that has returned. But the female barb obviously can�t be the barb you played in D2. So the only way she can be returning from D2 is by being an old NPC. Now there were 3 barbarian women in D2: Anya, Mala and Charsi. Mala�s too old, Anya had brown/black hair, so that only leaves us with one person left to fit the bill�|||Yes because every single female barbarian is going to be a Charsi clone...right? -_-|||For me I think they need to make the female Barb Anya or Charsi. That way you can have a strong story connection for the class. This would also make it ez on Blizzard. This way you don't have to have totally different dialogs between the NPCs and either of the Barbs. I would think they will most likely only have one kind of dialog for all the other classes. But heck I could be wrong, maybe that’s their goal, to make even the male and female of the same class have different stories.|||The reason I don't think it's Charsi is because she would be much older in D3, because it's 20 years later. Also, if you listened to her voice in the BlizzCon '08 vid about NPCs' reactions to different classes, her voice isn't at all like Charsi's.|||Well, the female barb won't be Charsi but she willprobably look like her.
If you're a barbarian and talk to her she'll say that she was adopted by Akara and that one or two of her parents were barbarians (I can't remember)|||Gheed also says (during the forgotten tower quest, at some point):
"I've named a boil on my *** after you, it too bothers me every time I sit down."|||Didn't Akara state how much more charsi would like to be doing instead of just smithing?
while I dont expect it to be her, I would welcome the news that she is.|||Zombie Charsi.|||Let's see if we can put it together: The D2-Barb defeats Baal and is all so excited about it that he has to celebrate it with...Charsi. Round about 20 years later a young female Barb is oh so willing to continue her father's journey.

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