Anybody else see the resemblance? It�s stated that she has barbarians blood by Akara, or was it Kashya�|||It was Akara. And yes - good point. Didn't think ATM although I always liked to visit her with my Barb. =)|||Quote:
It was Akara. And yes - good point. Didn't think ATM although I always liked to visit her with my Barb. =)
Didnt even cross my mind, either. Good idea, I really suspect it could be her esp since they need a separate story for each class gender.
Lol, also I just remembered this, remember Gheed saying he has no Horadric Malus, but he would be more than happy to supply her with his Nomadic Phallus?
One of the (few / only?) funniest moments in D2 NPC dialogue history.|||Quote:
Didnt even cross my mind, either. Good idea, I really suspect it could be her esp since they need a separate story for each class gender.
Lol, also I just remembered this, remember Gheed saying he has no Horadric Malus, but he would be more than happy to supply her with his Nomadic Phallus?
One of the (few / only?) funniest moments in D2 NPC dialogue history.
lol omg
I never even knew haha|||Oh yes, Charsi... How could I have forgotten!|||But then wouldn't she also have grey hair?
damn that thing called age|||Charsi was pretty young to start with. She'll probably be in her late 30's or early 40's in d3.|||It's not her, for a simple reason - Diablo characters never have names.

It's not her, for a simple reason - Diablo characters never have names.

LOL, its funny because its true. I have to admit though, I almost believed it was Charsi for a second until I saw your comment and remembered that.|||Quote:
Didnt even cross my mind, either. Good idea, I really suspect it could be her esp since they need a separate story for each class gender.
Lol, also I just remembered this, remember Gheed saying he has no Horadric Malus, but he would be more than happy to supply her with his Nomadic Phallus?
One of the (few / only?) funniest moments in D2 NPC dialogue history.
If you talk to Gheed before entering the Den of Evil, he'll say he'd rather thrust his Sacred Scepter into the most Carbuncular Trull than set one foot into the cave. Gheed gets all the good lines.
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