I was tossing it out there only as how I see it's effects would be in D2, and specified that, because that is the frame of reference most of us are still seeing the new skills in, not because it's right, but because for the most part thats the closest frame of reference we have.
Irregardless I have faith that Blizzard will do it right, and it will be well balanced.|||Quote:
will be well balanced.
And if it isn't... lets just say SC2 is a pretty fine game in itself|||That's what patches are for, aren't they? Don't be too surprised to see Blizzard release a patch on the same day D3 is released...

That's what patches are for, aren't they? Don't be too surprised to see Blizzard release a patch on the same day D3 is released...

Only to fix the undoubtedly many server crashes that'll take place....and introduce LAN ;p|||Two conditions:
Death Proof stays in = okay to bring back FE bug, exploding dolls, IM and more. Assuming the Barb is supposed to tank, this may even be necessary.
Death Proof is out = insta-kill situations vastly reduced in scope and number, possibly limited to act bosses and such.
Regarding HC Vs. SC and this skill, thats a whole new argument. As this type of game is evolving, and it must be said, coming closer to the gameplay mechanics of WoW, it may be time to throw away HC entirely. Why? Its simple, games are tough to program, and balance, and if a game is balanced to be able to insta-gib players, then permanent character death even as an option is foolish.
However if its balanced so as to not be able to insta-kill players, assuming a modicum of base skill on behalf of the player, then a HC mode is okay, provided that lag issues, ridiculous issues like TPPK and PK hacks, and others are fixed in a timely fashion.
From a gameplay perspective, this skill fits right in with the icon of the raging barbarian throwing caution to the winds. A prudent player would have this skill, but try NOT to die every five minutes, its an emergency backup. Of course, as has been said, if a player has gotten himself into just such a situation, then a 30% health rez may be a moot point.
I'll reserve my judgment until the game is released, but I think the skill has merit, especially in HC (if that mode is retained in the final release), given that the Barb MUST be engaged in combat constantly to be effective at all, and this can provide a sort of relief valve from all that furious clicking lol.|||Death Proof is gone so far Read a bit before posting will you?|||Quote:
You don't look at the absolute number of players playing barbs, you should look at the proportion of barb players who acquire battle orders. It is interesting that just about every guide I have read thus far advocates maxing out BO and its syngergies sooner or later. Which is quite telling.
Basically, the poster's point is that while it is not sufficient to make a barb overpowered by itself, it is a fairly potent barb skill which any player who not hesitate to take at the 1st opportunity.
Wait, now you're saying something different.
First you say death proof is overpowered in HC. Then you say the problem is that it's a must-have skill.
While I agree must-have skills should go away, two different points are made here as if they're one and the same.
Death proof will not be overpowered in hc, since it's essentially the same as adding 30% extra life (and also you not being able to replenish it with potions and the like).
I don't think it sounds good enough to be a must-have skill, but maybe I'm wrong. Anyway. the thread starter complained about it being overpowered, not it being a must-have skill. Different things
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