So this time the decision for me to roll barb is set in stone. Period. It can be the worst class, the best class, the most overplayed class, the least played class. It can suck *** without good gear. The gear could be expensive as hell. I am sticking with barb no matter what. And as I've basically made the decision blind folded, as we know very little about game mechanics and whatnot, noone will be able to jump to generalizations like "bah you play the easiest class". I am taking my chances, that's all, now bring on the challenge!|||I think so.
1. Like people already said before, I think barbs are a good beginner class. Lot of health, and early game they deal more damage than casters, so they're good to get to know the gameplay, monsters, everything.
2. I already loved the barb in D2, and here (in the gameplay movie at least) he looks INSANE! Pure, raw power, impressive moves and he seems like a ton of fun! The Hulk, but without the cheesy oneliners! Count me in for sure!|||In d2 the barbarian is just so versatile. If that remains true in d3, a barbarian will be my first character.|||The barbarian was my most often played character in d2, I fell in love with him the moment I first heard that stout yell at the campfire, sharpening his axe as if it was a butter knife.
With the new skills looking as awesome as they do, there is not a sliver of a doubt in my mind that the barbarian will be the first class I play in d3.|||I'll be the only one rolling a Female Barbarian it seems but it has to be done .. Hopefully with long flowing Red hair .. Anyone heard if hair color is customizable or not yet ?|||While I mostly played barb, druid and necro in D2 I am going to wait and see all the classes for D3 before I make up my mind. Barb has a good chance thought!! Sentimental reasons you know

But there is indeed a big chance that I will start as Barbarian. I have always liked to play melee classes more than ranger or magic classes.|||Knowing only of the Barb and the Witch Doctor right now, I'm inclined to say "absolutely yes." Barbs were my staple characters in D2 and, thus far, I'm not disappointing at their D3 brethren. However, we still have 3 classes left to see and the way the current 2 unfold, and I have no doubts in Blizzard's ability to pleasantly surprise me so I can't give much of a future prediction about my first character.
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