I'll start with him for sure just to keep true to my tradition to start out the game always with the melee tank guy ( i dont know i like brute strength lol)|||Since the necro have probably been cut, I am gonna see if I like the presumably pure caster class (mage/archmage/sorcerer), if I dont , I will most likely go for a barb, the skills he used in the video looks amazing imo.|||I think I definitely will. I like going with the most basic type of class in beginning. Can't go wrong with a face first up close melee fighter. His new abilities they showed in video look badass. Love that hulk smash type of skill.|||I <3 the barb in D2 so because of that passionate love I'm going barb in D3. He'll probably suck seeing as I wont know any build etc. But in the end I'll just rebuild him anyways.|||I'll be leaning this direction. Melee is so much fun, and unless they have shifter Druids I'll enjoy playing a Barb the most, probably. Plus, if the balance is anything like D2, the Barbs will be among the best item-finders anyways, so I can gear my less-mainstream characters using my Barb.

|||I'll probably go with a caster of some sort first. Barbarians and their warrior kin, tend to be heavily item dependent and as such, will make a better twink character. I also think that I'll mess around with all the classes early on to see which I like.|||Nah, most likely I'll pick the characters that is most different from the 7 in D2. Possibly the Witch Doctor, but I will decide when I've seen the others.|||can't wait to play as him again so horny for it|||First choice: Paladin type
Second choice: Necromancer type
Third choice: Ranger type
I really like Seismic Slam though..|||The class looks good, but I'm sort of turned off with the Barbarian's gruesome death in the gameplay video.
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