On a more serious note, yesterday I started doing something I have had in mind for a long time: a Barbarian spreadsheet! There are 10+ caveats but I don't care to go into details of each, but these are my findings so far; Dual Wield easily outpace 2handers. This is due to a combination of how ridiculously strong Frenzied Attacks (a Dual Wield only passive yielding +20 % crit and +30 % crit damage) is in combination with the equally ridiculous crit dmg modifiers we're getting (+100 % from Weak Spot to name one). I wouldn't be surprised if we could sit with more than +500 % dmg on a crit including passives. There are a few other things with works in favor for dual wield (base crit being extremely low without passives being one of the "confirmed" ones).
As I said, there are many things I've left out and I don't intend to go into detail of all of them, but I should mention a few things. This is autoattack damage calculations only (since we don't have percentages on abilities), and so far we know close to nothing about hit tables, offhand damage penalties, physical damage resistances on mobs (although that one has zero pertinence to a discussion of dw vs 2h) and so on.
What I expect to find in the end (and what you with half a brain probably does as well) once the beta starts is that dual wield will be the best for consistently high damage, and 2handers giving pvp-ers burst. What I would love to see from a pure gameplay perspective would be that abilities dealing a percentage weapon damage (which is practically, if not all, damaging abilities) strikes with both weapons and not your mainhand only. Would make for some sweet sweet numbers on the screen!|||Interesting stuff, Decimus.
I do hope that sustained damage numbers even out once abilities can be accounted for. I have a feeling they will since I believe the amount of fury an ability costs wont change depending on if you have dual wield or a 2h. This may mean 2h barbs are more powerful with full fury, and dw barbs are more powerful when fury-starved.|||I'm kind of torn between what I believe. On the one hand I know for a fact Blizzard knows how to tune a somewhat equal output between dual wield vs 2handers from WoW (being a theorycrafter for warrior/rogue for several years).
On the other, balancing two completely different approaches so far to the edge of the two so they result within ~1-2 % of eachother isn't far from as important to do in a hack n' slash as in the modern MMO scene where game balance, and specifically damage output balance is something that is under extremely heavy scrutinization from the community.
Their statement, which I'm aware was actually said in relation to pvp balance, about how they will approach "omb barb is totally op"-posts with "yeah he probably is" kind of shows me a sentiment that they might not be too concerned with the differencies in number output between the two as long as it's nothing major (like 20-25 % difference).
We shall see.|||I want to dual wield a sword in my right hand, and an axe in my left. Hate weapon specializations, cause that is what I wanted to do in d2 from the beginning.|||Quote:
I want to dual wield a sword in my right hand, and an axe in my left. Hate weapon specializations, cause that is what I wanted to do in d2 from the beginning.
I think weapon specs are thankfully gone. Weapon classes will probably still keep some characteristics such as attack speed and stat distribution, but i think we will no longer need to ignore that awesome drop just because it doesn't fit into our build.|||Quote:
I think weapon specs are thankfully gone. Weapon classes will probably still keep some characteristics such as attack speed and stat distribution, but i think we will no longer need to ignore that awesome drop just because it doesn't fit into our build.
It made it especially hard to level for the first time, not bad if you have a bunch of items saved to use, but for the first go around in d3 I will be glad I don't have to rely on an extremely low damage weapon for my level just because its not the weapon class i want to use end game.|||RIP
http://patrickmjones.com/blog/wp-con...serk_cap_1.jpg|||Gimme big brutal 2 handed blunt weapons any day

I can't be the only one who wishes that the Blizzard team would include some sort of Bushido type warrior.
It isn't like it would be new:

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