I am definetly. My favorite character in D2. Gonna play HC, will love putting every stat point in vitality, socketing gear for max resist and making to Hell difficulty first try

|||Well Barbarian is my favorite class in d2 so there is a possibility though I will be itching to try out the other classes as well and may try out a more unique one as my first. In the end I'll probably love the Barbarian the most once again.|||Probably not, I'll be courious to try out a new class. Won't be surprised to see a shortage of barbarians and any other "unchanged" classes the first few weeks overall.|||I think the barb would be the easiest class to play with. So a lot of peaople probably will pick it as their first char? And cleave/charge combo looks quite interesting.|||The Barbarian looks really fun to play, but I've always liked casters. I don't really like how the witch doctor looks though, so unless there comes a more "pure" caster like a Mage/Sorceress type, I'll probably go for the Barbarian.|||This I don't know, as I still have to see 3 new classes. Out of the 2 we have now I do think so.
But I have no idea of how I'm going to play it.
If I look at the OP's bit: you seem pretty sure of many things staying the same btw.
Gonna play HC
HC is still uncertain
will love putting every stat point in vitality
The way stats are handled, and how they are named + what effect putting points in them will have are all uncertain.
socketing gear
I do hope we can socket our gear with something like the larzuk quest, but I don't know if it is possible.
for max resist
do the resistances still work in the same way? can you get "max resist"?
and making to Hell difficulty first try
Has there been a confirmation that they willl have 3 modes of play again? Or will they just let the game get more hard as you go along. I would like to not play through the game 3 times, but have 1 story that is 3 times as long personally.|||heck after seeing that vid
I figured EVERYONE would play a barb =P
or at least try one out, especially since they've stolen the pally's charge =P|||I'll await all classes before deciding which one to start with, but the Barbarian surely makes a good chance

That Seismic Wave looks so cool...|||I am gonna roll a barbarian, that much is clear.|||Me too. IMO the new barb looks even better than the old one I love.
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