Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Thoughts on Death Proof characters

Will every barb be a Death Proof barb just like every barb on d2 was a bo barb? Read about Death Proof here:

Or maybe not, since there's not much of a death penalty anway?

The skill reads like it resurects you each time you die provided 300 seconds has gone by, and more point investment means you get more life back each time (my guess). If that's the case, you actually BENEFIT by getting yourself killed. Or, there may be only a % chance to get resurected and the % goes up when you max it out.

In any case, will this make HC mode lose it's well-known "thrill" factor since you can die a bunch of times? Or would DP increase this thrill because each death is like playing Russain roulette if there's only a % chance to survive death?

Is it fair to other chrs, or should they have death defying skills/spells of their own? If they don't, will HC mode be all barbs?

How do you guys think it will pan out on bnet2?

Edit: I forgot to mention PvP and boss issues. What if the damage done is 4k on your 600 life DP barb and he just pops back from it like it was nothing? Then, he retaliates with his own one-shot skill and the duel becomes a matter of whose DP went off first...|||I don't like this feature HC wise because, as you have said, it makes dying uncertain. I prefer when you die, you die. That's how I imagine HC. In SC, I think this is acceptable, but I don't imagine them making this skill SC-only...

This is very unfair to other classes if they don't have Death Proof. I doubt HC will be all barbs, though. Rather, HC barbs would be considered wusses, lol...|||Gigashadow 2 other characters are safer to play, while barb as melee will be easy surround and slaughter by hordes of enemies. What escape mechanics you have other than leap?|||Quote:

Gigashadow 2 other characters are safer to play

Never felt like it for me. I always found Necros much harder to keep alive than barbs because barbs have tons of life and are designed to be in the middle, while necros are just weak but they still sort of needs to be close to enemies...


What escape mechanics you have other than leap?

I don't think I ever need an escape mechanic when I play a barb. He's just invincible. Barbs are the easiest chars to play in DII...

I don't know what DIII will do, but I don't want a lessened dying penalty to be the counter towards barb's increased danger. That's just a crude way to fix it. Give melee classes some advantages in other fields, but don't let them survive, that's just silly...|||Quote:

Rather, HC barbs would be considered wusses, lol...

Wusses because their entire character can't use most of their skills outside of combat, and thus requires to be in the thick of it pretty much all the time to survive?

The Barbarian is significantly weaker outside of combat than in combat. "Wuss" is the last word I would use to describe that.|||Wusses because dying is equally probable for every character if they are well balanced...

If a barb has a higher probability of dying, that's crappy balancing.|||But, in a different sense, maybe barbs would run into similar "wuss" problems, just replace wuss with other insults. My main concern is that every last barb will have DP, and if yours doesn't, you get called a noob. And if yours does, you get called a cookie cutter. Either way, you get accused of doing something wrong, lol.

The situation I'm thinking of is exactly how bo is handled in d2. If you don't have bo, you get called noob (perhaps because you can't bo others and they are angry about it, but I guess that might not be a problem with DP since it's not a party buff. Though in duels, people would eventually find out that you don't have it so THEN they would certainly call you a noob for not having DP when 99.99% of barbs have it). But if you DO have bo (or DP in d3), you are just another barb off the bo/DP conveyer belt feeling like you have no choice but to drop 15 points into DP for all your barb builds. When masses of people use the same skill, it gets called cookie cutter. And isn't cookie cutter sometimes called noobicannon because it's so easy and commonplace?

This is what I am a bit worried about. Now, you can say "why should I care about what other players think?" and "No one is forcing you to use it." but no one likes being called names on bnet, and the pressure will always be there to use these no-brainer skills.

I could be wrong of course; just brain storming here. Maybe 99.99% of barbs won't necessarily use it as I've arogantly presumed. We have no idea how it will work when it's finished...I'm just hoping there is no bo type of skill that virtually takes over a chr class.|||Quote:

If a barb has a higher probability of dying, that's crappy balancing.

He is a melee character. Death Proof is part of what allows him to survive in thick of combat. It's not like when his HP reaches zero, he gets a message "Congratulations, you put a point into Death Proof you SC-like WUSS! Respawn at last checkpoint and try again!"

If he screws up, he will still die, 1 time heal or not - this is what this essentially is, a bonus HP pot. This skill allows him greater leeway for error, but it will not save him if takes a bigger bite that he can swallow.|||If the 300 seconds is correct, that's 5 minutes, which is a pretty long time in-game. 30% of your health isn't a ton. This is an interesting skill. I'm assuming the time delay won't change, or at least change very little if it does. The long delay makes it a little better balanced. I figure the more points you put into the higher your HP% recovery is.

It'll save you if you get in over your head, but you'll need to make the most of that chance. A 5 minute delay gives plenty of time for the player to get killed for good.|||Quote:

He is a melee character.

I'm sorry that you suck with melee characters, but please stop repeating the same idea and actually find a decent argument. Ranged characters being easier to play is a myth and is not true for tons of games, including even FPS games.

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