My translation, with abilities honed by spending about 6 hours at this yesterday:
The barbarian _____ over death. Upon ____ high damage the barbarian is kept alive _____ 30% of maximum health.
The effect cannot ____ more than ____ every 300 seconds.
The bottom line in red is the "10 points to use this tier" all the skills at that level said.
This seems a crazy-overpowered skill to me; if it worked something like 10% of the time, and improved a bit with skill points, that would be reasonable. If it's a free resurrect every 5 minutes, that's stupid. (Though I suppose you'd still die sometimes, if you were really swarmed and there was still a lot of mob left when you popped back to life with 30% of your hps.) I do think we'll see any HC chars who die and live through this absolutely without doubt sitting out the next 299 seconds, for obvious reasons.|||Quote:
Never felt like it for me. I always found Necros much harder to keep alive than barbs because barbs have tons of life and are designed to be in the middle, while necros are just weak but they still sort of needs to be close to enemies...
Necros need to be close? Did we play same game? Necro maybe is low on hp but have ton of protection other type like bone armor, bone walls and prisons, golems, skelly and revives plus curses i can asume you that monsters will not have even chance too put finger on him untill they have some kind piercing attack.
I don't think I ever need an escape mechanic when I play a barb. He's just invincible. Barbs are the easiest chars to play in DII...
Nope they are not as easy as wind druid, they are not even close.
D2 and D3 are two different games, you know that in d3 you will not have full belt of rev potions or even life potions.
In other words imagine that you going d2 ancients quest but with d3 rules so no tp, lack of health potions and probably no leech now on who would you bet to survive barb or necro?
Here's the skill hover, if anyone can decipher it to get the exact wording, go for it.

My translation, with abilities honed by spending about 6 hours at this yesterday:
This seems a crazy-overpowered skill to me; if it worked something like 10% of the time, and improved a bit with skill points, that would be reasonable. If it's a free resurrect every 5 minutes, that's stupid. (Though I suppose you'd still die sometimes, if you were really swarmed and there was still a lot of mob left when you popped back to life with 30% of your hps.) I do think we'll see any HC chars who die and live through this absolutely without doubt sitting out the next 299 seconds, for obvious reasons.
"The barbarian overcomes death. Upon receiving fatal damage the Barbarian is kept alive and gains back 30% of his maximum health. The effect can not occur more than every 300 seconds."
It is not over-powered skill, do not exaggerate Flux, this 30% willl not save you if you are in deep **** anyway.|||Quote:
I'm sorry that you suck with melee characters, but please stop repeating the same idea and actually find a decent argument. Ranged characters being easier to play is a myth and is not true for tons of games, including even FPS games.
An actually decent argument? Put up one that makes sense, first, maybe I will consider it.
"Barbarian has a triggered heal, it's now a wuss class."
What's next? Anything that stops you from dieing because you screw up is a wuss ability?
Amazons can totally dodge killing blows in D2 thanks to evasion skills. Amazons are now a wuss class.
A character gets 75% block. It can now stop a killing blow 232932x more often than Death Proof. Anyone who uses a shield is now a wuss.
The Wizard has a skill that completely blocks any attack every x seconds. The Wizard is now a wuss class.|||Quote:
"The barbarian overcomes death. Upon receiving fatal damage the Barbarian is kept alive and gains back 30% of his maximum health.
The effect can not occur more than every 300 seconds."
I bolded parts that are wrong.
Where you have "overcomes" is 2 words in the screenshot. I think it's "____ over/even death" Short word... can't make it out. I want to say "triumphs" or something like that, but clearly it's about a 7 letter word with a tall letter in the middle.
Where you say "fatal" can't be right since there's no t or other tall letter in the middle of the word.
You might be right on "kept alive and gains". Hard to tell if "and gains" is one longer word or 2 shorter ones. but there's clearly no other word between "gains" and "30%".
And sure, we've got the gist of things, but my point was that it's hard to get the exact wording, which might matter on a skill such as this. It's easy to construct a version that sounds right, but if it doesn't match the blurry letters in the photo, it's clearly not correct.
It is not over-powered skill, do not exaggerate Flux, this 30% willl not save you if you are in deep **** anyway.
Well see, I played HC on the realms for 3 years, so the concept of anything saving you from dying, even 1% of the time, seems insane. I lost oh, 4 or 5 barbs at lvl 80+, and none of them died in a mob. Most were one hit freak flukes to MSLEFE Conviction type monsters, or else lagging out against Lister, that sort of thing. Barring continuing lag/disconnects, I would have survived with all of them if I'd had a resurrection skill to 30% hit points. So this one is an incredibly radical change in hwo the game works, for players who have always played where dying is very rare and the end of a character.
For SC players who WW Ob Knights and have never thought to retreat or play strategically, it's just a handy convenience saving them that run from town/the checkpoint.|||Quote:
An actually decent argument? Put up one that makes sense, first, maybe I will consider it.
Argument to what? I'm not the one saying that melee chars will be stronger than ranged chars 100% of the time under any circumstance.
"Barbarian has a triggered heal, it's now a wuss class."
U-huh, now, let's return to what I ACTUALLY said:
This is very unfair to other classes if they don't have Death Proof. I doubt HC will be all barbs, though. Rather, HC barbs would be considered wusses, lol...
I didn't say that I'd consider HC barbs wusses. I said they would be considered wusses by other players... e.g., what stillman said. I don't call anyone a wuss based on the fact that they use what the game lets them use...
MY point was that it's a bad way to balance classes. Classes should be balanced in how they avoid death, not by giving them a sure chance of survival no matter how and where they survive.
Amazons can totally dodge killing blows in D2 thanks to evasion skills. Amazons are now a wuss class.
Evasion is not guaranteed. Neither is 75% block. In any case, these protections are not against death. They are against being hit. Yes, you may defend a killing hit, but the point is, these are designed for any hits, Death Proof is designed for DEATH. E.g., after all your other ways of evading death, including a shield, and potions, and health globes, and whatever are all much, you'd still survive.
Necros need to be close? Did we play same game? Necro maybe is low on hp but have ton of protection other type like bone armor, bone walls and prisons, golems, skelly and revives plus curses i can asume you that monsters will not have even chance too put finger on him untill they have some kind piercing attack.
Just because we played the same game doesn't mean we played it the same way. Some prefer melee classes, some prefer ranged, and some prefer casters. Even if I take NWN, I always found it easier to play fighters than mages... while everyone told me fighters suck. Perhaps you find necro easier. Fine. What I am trying to say is that melee chars are not worse off than other chars...
Bone Armor? Lol, like that spell lasts long... any tight spot, and bone armor is gone. I even stopped putting the point into it later on. It's totally useless in bad situations and in all other situations my VIT is enough.
Bone wall is great, but it also dies relatively quickly, and it's not a defensive measure to the necro in particular... half the time it's used for faster monster killing.
Golems are nice but not all necros use them.
Curses are nice but have other complications. You still need to cast them.
Nope they are not as easy as wind druid, they are not even close.
D2 and D3 are two different games, you know that in d3 you will not have full belt of rev potions or even life potions.
In other words imagine that you going d2 ancients quest but with d3 rules so no tp, lack of health potions and probably no leech now on who would you bet to survive barb or necro?
For me it was easier.
Yes, D2 and D3 are two different games, and that means you have no clue how the barb plays...
And my bet would be 100% on barb. Killing them with necro was insane.
It is not over-powered skill, do not exaggerate Flux, this 30% willl not save you if you are in deep **** anyway.
If I had that thing on all my dead HC characters I'd survive. Most of the time you die because of inattention. I was never in a situation where I couldn't survive no matter what I did, it was usually a matter of forgetting to drink a rejuv or something. Barb has leap, and that's more than enough for him to survive with 30% health in the hands of every HC char.|||Quote:
Well see, I played HC on the realms for 3 years, so the concept of anything saving you from dying, even 1% of the time, seems insane. I lost oh, 4 or 5 barbs at lvl 80+, and none of them died in a mob. Most were one hit freak flukes to MSLEFE Conviction type monsters, or else lagging out against Lister, that sort of thing. Barring continuing lag/disconnects, I would have survived with all of them if I'd had a resurrection skill to 30% hit points. So this one is an incredibly radical change in hwo the game works, for players who have always played where dying is very rare and the end of a character.
For SC players who WW Ob Knights and have never thought to retreat or play strategically, it's just a handy convenience saving them that run from town/the checkpoint.
Well about translation i tried my best

You still making one mistake, you try too put d3 skill into d2 realm , it will not work this way as i remember d3 guys said that they hate 1-shot mechanic in d2 as the only way too challenge (read: kill character) right now you have to expect that you can die in situation like in the beginning of ww1 show when barb fight with tons of ghouls.|||Quote:
Just because we played the same game doesn't mean we played it the same way. Some prefer melee classes, some prefer ranged, and some prefer casters. Even if I take NWN, I always found it easier to play fighters than mages... while everyone told me fighters suck. Perhaps you find necro easier. Fine. What I am trying to say is that melee chars are not worse off than other chars...
Funny i have NWN diamond edition (great game btw) and end it twice as wizard and once as shapeshifter but as warrior i give up because of fight against dethrick or whatever is his name, he killed me every time with 1-hit ko spell (phantom killer or finger of death dont remember now).
Anyway reason why i say say that melee is harder than ranger class because of ability to avoid to be hit. No hit = no health lost = no death obious

I would ask someone who played barb on blizzcon how dangerous were creatures to barb in melee contact, how much hp lost on hit etc. Someone can answer? Please.
Bone Armor? Lol, like that spell lasts long... any tight spot, and bone armor is gone. I even stopped putting the point into it later on. It's totally useless in bad situations and in all other situations my VIT is enough.
I will answer only to that, you should only put one point into bone armor rest you get from synergy and this spell saves my butt many times and recast it is very easy with 125% fcr even while some monster is hitting you making you immune to physical attacks, its like protoss shield

Now then, is it completely game-breaking for HC characters? Hard to say, we don't know what will be the most common causes of death in D3. D2 had one-hit kill mobs and lag. If a monster can bring you from 100% HP to 0% quicker than you can respond, I don't think finishing off a further 30% would be much for it when you revive. In D2 this extra time may be enough for you to quaff a rejuvenation potion, but potions in D3 are much rarer and we don't know if we'll see rejuvs (I hope not, they always seemed broken to me).
What I'm basically saying is that this may actually be INVALUABLE to HC-Barbs in the new and dangerous setting of D2, instead of just cheap. It's really too early to tell.|||Quote:
Evasion is not guaranteed. Neither is 75% block. In any case, these protections are not against death. They are against being hit. Yes, you may defend a killing hit, but the point is, these are designed for any hits, Death Proof is designed for DEATH. E.g., after all your other ways of evading death, including a shield, and potions, and health globes, and whatever are all much, you'd still survive.
Eh... Fine.
I still say that for a character who doesn't get full power until after it starts taking damage it's a normal skill. The difference between Barbarian in D2 and Barbarian in D3 is that, outside Frenzy, a D2 Barbarian will always be at full power from the start of the fight. In Diablo 3, entering combat with the Barbarian is an inherently more risky than other classes simply because it enters it at far less than full strength - neither the Witch Doctor nor the Wizard have that limitation, and it has nothing to do with whenever the Barbarian is melee.|||Quote:
Funny i have NWN diamond edition (great game btw) and end it twice as wizard and once as shapeshifter but as warrior i give up because of fight against dethrick or whatever is his name, he killed me every time with 1-hit ko spell (phantom killer or finger of death dont remember now).
If you have high Fortitude or something Finger of Death doesn't really get you... just drink a few potions. That's what I did. Every time I met some hard to kill monster I just drank like 20 different potions lol. I was half-blackguard, but I don't remember if I was Blackguard yet at that point.
Anyway reason why i say say that melee is harder than ranger class because of ability to avoid to be hit. No hit = no health lost = no death obious

That's faulty logic, though. Melee gets compensated for that. Melee is stronger, has more health, more resistance, etc.
I will answer only to that, you should only put one point into bone armor rest you get from synergy and this spell saves my butt many times and recast it is very easy with 125% fcr even while some monster is hitting you making you immune to physical attacks, its like protoss shield

The synergy is not enough to make Bone Armor effective. Bone armor just reduces way too little damage no matter what you do with it. I don't see how this spell saves your butt unless you are avoiding 1-shot kills or something. If you keep your health high you don't need bone armor for that.
And I didn't have any 125% cast rate, obviously, since I never used MF at that time and all my gear was absolute garbage.
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