Personally thoug I'm not fond of the idea at this point.A chance to perform a war cry of some sort (I think I read already included) similar to you land a crit attack, you get some health back. Maybe have it as a chance while under 30% hp to cast a warcry to boost hp back up?|||We also don't know if it is based on a percentage for sure (I'm only going by what is in the wiki, which says it is assumed to). Someone says "Evasion isn't guaranteed, nor is block", well if it is like 7% chance to avoid death, then this would be far from guaranteed as well. I agree its overpowered if it works EVERY time, provided that it has not triggered within the last 300 seconds, but it seems that we don't really know that for sure yet. Either way I think we'll have to wait and see exactly how it is implemented, and trust that Blizzard can do a good job of balancing everything out.
Personally it doesn't seem like something I would want to rely on for HC play if it has a low percent chance to proc, I wouldn't want to stake my high lvl Barb's life on something that that may or may not save me.|||Waiting 20 seconds is clearly out of the question. I can't imagine the developers making you wait that long when you die. Resurrection with 0 Fury is something I can see happening though, sounds perfect.
Perhaps one of the reasons I'm not too averse to the idea is that I've already seen it in a game - specifically the Skeleton King's Resurrection ability in Defense of the Ancients. It's a good ultimate ability, but not really overpowered as he resurrects right where he died and it's quite easy to kill him again.
I can actually visualize a "Death Defier" build, with the core skills being Death-proof and the skill that reduces damage when your HP < 50%. Skip all the other survivability skills, and focus on massive damage. Run into mobs like a madman, die, resurrect, and keep on going.|||Quote:
t still all depends on the mechanics. If for example, you die then ressurect 20 seconds later after some of the mobs have wandered off, it might be bearable for PVP and such, or if you ressurect with nil fury, or if you take 5 seconds to ressurect and the mobs keep wailing on you.
It's not resurrection. It's literally, it blocks all damage from the blow that would have killed you and heals you according to max % of your HP. I don't *know* that this is the way it works, but I am 99% sure that's how it works.|||seems cheap to me, we do not know the exact strength of the skill (% healed and is it 100% of the time?) but even if it capped at 50% it would be a unfair advantage to any HC barb, or pvp barb|||I'm not quite sure what makes this skill so controversial. It just sounds like the equivalent of a successful shield block + health orb. Given that it only works once every 300 seconds and that it only has a chance of working, it doesn't seem overpowered at all.|||I'm not really sure about the "chance of working" part, really. That would either turn this into a must-have skill or no-take skill for HC... if it's like a 10% chance of survival I don't imagine any HC player relying on it.|||Quote:
Here's the skill hover, if anyone can decipher it to get the exact wording, go for it.

I'm pretty sure the exact wording is:
"The barbarian resists even death. Upon receiving fatal damage the Barbarian is kept alive and gains 30% of maximum health.
This effect cannot occur more than once every 300 seconds."|||I think, from a lore/character perspective, Death Proof is great. It fits in with the "badassery" that is the barbarian. But from a gameplay example, it's iffy. I'd need to see specifics about it and see it in action.
If it's similar to the self-rez that the shaman class has in World of WarCraft (where you can choose when to resurrect within six minutes, and you can wait for the monsters to go back to their spawn point) then it would be overpowered.
All in all, however, this doesn't seem very Diablo 1 or Diablo 2-like, but I haven't played Diablo III so I cannot judge.
I don't think this fits in HC at all in any fashion though. If one were to assume that they'd adjust all classes to have a similar mechanic, that isn't balancing HC mode, that is kind of weakening it.
I'm curious to see how this skill develops over the course of the game's creation.|||The way I read this skill, and here�s where nitpicking becomes important:
"The Barbarian is kept alive" (emphasis mine) means that he doesn�t die at all. No corpse, no death effects, just your health bubble goes up, and you keep at it. Think of it as if, as soon as you hit 0 HP, the game feeds you a rejuvenation potion, and you keep going. If you�re surrounded by monsters, you�ll die again, and soon. In PVP, it simply means that you�ll have a bit of a respite, and for all intents and purposes an extra 30% life that comes into play once you reach 0 life.
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