would be fun to see how this works in PVP, where he will be running around without fury, since most of the fight finish before 2-3 hits.|||Quote:
to my understanding, barb build up fury only if he keep landing successful melee attacks. and barb started with 0 fury.
Yeah, you start with (o) fury assuming you didn't get involved in any fights few seconds ago from which you could carry fury over to the next fight.
You can also build fury using certain skills (not just normal attacks) and when you get hit too.
would be fun to see how this works in PVP, where he will be running around without fury, since most of the fight finish before 2-3 hits.
I don't think PvP will be that extremely fast based in D3 .. specially there is no easy access to potions .. i'm sure Blizz will balance things out so fights last a little longer and involve some tactics and skill.|||Fury Potions? Only if they are FILLED WITH MENERGY!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRuNxHqwazs|||Yeah, I'm gonna agree on NO here.
Fury potion just conflicts the basic things the Fury system is trying to achive:
1. Fast Pacing- If you could lay back and just drink a potion before the fight, you wouldn't rush from fight to fight hoping to use your Fury while it lasts.
2. Fury Managment- As Knight_Wolf said, it's part of the point to face stratigic difficulties with having/not having Fury. Would you go into a fight with a half Fury bubble? Would you use a 1 bubble Fury skill or a 1/2 one? Can you build enough Fury with these monsters or come back to them later when you have more Fury? etc...
And I agree, I trust Blizzard to solve PvP Fury problems.|||Quote:
Fury Potions? Only if they are FILLED WITH MENERGY!

The ideas mentioned to gain fury in pvp are good so far. It might be nice if they implemented a mechanic or passive ability where the barbarian's fury would drain at a much slower rate if a hostile player came within a certain vicinity of the barbarian. Of course, I suppose this could be exploited if not done right.
There is already an ability that slows the depletion of fury after battle in general .. if you want yo make a character more focused on PVP you can focus on that ability and invest in it .... not to mention you can generate Fury when you get hit too or when you hit your enemy with any ability (even those which use fury)
I might be wrong, but doesn't the Barbarian rely on Stamina as his equivalent to Mana, while Fury is a secondary resource used mainly for the more powerful skills? In which case, it would be more likely that he gets Stamina potions rather than Fury potions.
Nope ... Fury is the barbarian's equivalent to mana.|||Quote:
Nope ... Fury is the barbarian's equivalent to mana.
Then what do you make of the skills listed in the Battlemaster tree that list a Stamina cost for its early active skills?
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