So ıf this new barbarian is not the one who defeated and earned the trust of the Ancients why would they even answer the call of this new guy ? It sounds wrong to me. He was absent all through these events.
What do you guys think? Thank you.|||Hmmm aren't the ancient part of Barbarian lore? Don't all barbarians pretty much call on and answer to the Ancients as though they were a Diety of some sort? The barbarian in D2 had to prove his worth in order to enter the temple. This scenario is different so I would imagine he wouldn't have to prove his worth, he could just call on his Diety.|||Quote:
Hmmm aren't the ancient part of Barbarian lore? Don't all barbarians pretty much call on and answer to the Ancients as though they were a Diety of some sort? The barbarian in D2 had to prove his worth in order to enter the temple. This scenario is different so I would imagine he wouldn't have to prove his worth, he could just call on his Diety.
Well this is possible too. But the name of the skill sound so strong to my ears "Call of the Ancients" that I think it can only be used by someone who is really mighty who has proven himself who made sacrifices from his own. And I think when producers designed this skill they designed it for the same barbarian from d2. They later decided to make this barbarian completely new one.
sorry if my english is bad not a native.|||Your English is just fine

Because he is a total boss and the ancients do what he tell em to.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^This.|||If i was one of the ancient, i would wanna come out and kick some *** instead of being, well DEAD.|||There's only like 5 barbarians left, so the ancients must be super lonely. They'd answer anyone's phone call by this point.|||It's supposed to be a skill available at character level 27, so it would probably be close to the end of the game on normal difficulty. The new Barbarian would likely have killed enough demons by that point to prove his worth so the Ancients will answer his call for aid.
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