Friday, April 13, 2012

Barbarian story possibly "simplified"


6th post. If you agree it's a bad idea, make a post about it there.|||No i find it a good idea.

To have the same barb from diablo 2 returning adds unneeded complexity and a lot of explanation needed to show us the players why someone that killed all 3 prime evils suddenly grown weak(base stats again) lost his memory(his skills) and lost all his gear.

But then again i find the whole 20 years later thing extremely lame and low class when it comes to the story.|||I understand how it may simplify things for them. Perhaps some quests they want to write would not make sense for a guy who would have been there 20 years before. Even if the different characters have different dialogs.

Perhaps the scenario they want simply does not fit very well with a veteran character.

Still, I thought the idea that he was the same as in D2 was a very nice twist. This idea was introduced 2 years ago with the very first gameplay video. Getting rid of it now is disappointing.

They could eventually change the look of the Barbarian if they now say he is not this 50 years old dude.|||I had 0 interest in playing a Barbarian until they said it was going to be the same one from D2. His dialogue with Cain and Tyrael would have been great, and his take on the quests would have added so much to the game because he's been there before -- killed Diablo, Meph, Baal.

It also makes sense that at least one of the heroes who saved the world 20 years ago is going to do it again.

Going to be very disappointed if they follow through and change it, I won't have any reason to play a Barbarian if they do that.


a lot of explanation needed to show us the players why someone that killed all 3 prime evils suddenly grown weak(base stats again) lost his memory(his skills) and lost all his gear.

Because lots of things change in 20 years.|||Quote:

To have the same barb from diablo 2 returning adds unneeded complexity and a lot of explanation needed to show us the players why someone that killed all 3 prime evils suddenly grown weak(base stats again) lost his memory(his skills) and lost all his gear.

But then again i find the whole 20 years later thing extremely lame and low class when it comes to the story.

It's extremely easy to see why he'd be like that.

His natural outfit is bare items covering him. He doesn't wear armor save for one purpose: battle. That battle has been over for 20 years, so any elites he'd have is safely tucked away in whatever place he'd called a "home". Well, whatever a nomad can call a permanent home I suppose.

When wandering, he doesn't keep the big clanky armor that's now obsolete. He wears the furs and loin cloth we see him start with.

20 years is a long time to not fight demons. He got that strong by killing them when his base stats were at his 20's-30's ish age. At 40's-50's, his base stats are back to their base prime. For 20 years of apathy, he's very fit, as we can see from still keeping his muscles and overall girth.

Along with muscular apathy, he'd not have used his skills in 20 years. He hasn't forgotten them totally (he does get them after all), but instead "remembers" as he levels back up.

20 years is plenty of time for a complete civil war to take place and a new one to start, resulting in a long negotiation that ultimately bands all of Hell together.

I want the barb to be the one from D2. If he isn't, then make him younger.|||Quote:

I want the barb to be the one from D2. If he isn't, then make him younger.

I second this... absolutely...

To be certain, I won't even play with the barb, but I did like the lil' twist... So yeah, if it's no longer him, then make him younger...|||Well shucks, but I see why they are doing this. Every other class gender independent backstory. I kind of expected this announcement years ago, to be honest.|||Quote:

It's extremely easy to see why he'd be like that.

His natural outfit is bare items covering him. He doesn't wear armor save for one purpose: battle. That battle has been over for 20 years, so any elites he'd have is safely tucked away in whatever place he'd called a "home". Well, whatever a nomad can call a permanent home I suppose.

When wandering, he doesn't keep the big clanky armor that's now obsolete. He wears the furs and loin cloth we see him start with.

20 years is a long time to not fight demons. He got that strong by killing them when his base stats were at his 20's-30's ish age. At 40's-50's, his base stats are back to their base prime. For 20 years of apathy, he's very fit, as we can see from still keeping his muscles and overall girth.

Along with muscular apathy, he'd not have used his skills in 20 years. He hasn't forgotten them totally (he does get them after all), but instead "remembers" as he levels back up.

20 years is plenty of time for a complete civil war to take place and a new one to start, resulting in a long negotiation that ultimately bands all of Hell together.

Easy to explain but look at how long it took you. I agree with lone wolf for once but I think this is one thing we are going to be really outnumbered on.

In narrative, this would be the equivalent to the circle peg in the square hole.


I want the barb to be the one from D2. If he isn't, then make him younger.

I do agree that he should be younger if they decide to do this, though.|||Nah, old badasses with awesome beards are too rare as protagonists in video games these days.

D2 Barb backstory or not, the look should stay.|||Well Rising, I'm sure I could paraphrase and say that he's far from home doing nothing for 20 years. That's cut 2 paragraphs of dialog / narrative / words. :P

The base reasoning is still simple, even with him as the same previous barb. I like that twist, but in all honesty, I wouldn't care which direction they chose. Other than "hey neat", it' won't personally impact me on whether or not I take the char, so meh.

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