Personally I think it is okay. I would like to see it from game cam view before I pass final judgement. But we can certainly kiss goodbye any semblance of "realistic" armor. I suppose with their need to create strong silhouettes plus 18 gear sets, that all need to be unique, this is the natural progression.|||I know there is or will be uproar over the size of the shoulder pads but, really, how else are you going to emphasize the visuals? With rings or bracers?

I really like them. I know they are exaggerated and goofy but I think it's good exaggeration and it makes the barbarian look as powerful as he is. On the flipside, I also really enjoyed the simplistic cloth and metal armor set from the Wizard, too. They both have merits.|||I kinda agree in theroy that the need for strong silhouettes and also wanting to make something new and fresh are the main reasons they are abandoning realistic armor design for some of the 18 armor tier designs (the early ones are fairly realistic .. check the wizard and barb armors shown at the panel to demonstrate that gear icons match in-game look .. these look quite realistic).
But i have to say few comments on both Barb armors.
The Elephant Armor ... i was shocked at how the in-game 3D model is different from the concept art on the left .. if anything the concept art is way more subtle and actually isn't too exaggerated .. the 3D model on the other hand is overly exaggerated .. the shoulder pads are enlarged and the tusks are protruding out unlike in the concept art where they follow the arms lines .. i don't why they abandoned the well rationed concept art and went with an overblown version of the armor.
pic to show what i was talking about

Compare the concept art to the 3d model and you will notice what i'm talking about .. the concept art has way better proportions and general feel .. the 3D one looks like a Maharajah elephant that lost its way during a festival.
The Dinosaur skin armor .. i really didn't quite understand anything from the design of this armor when i saw it in the vid .. it felt like messy patches of brown/orange with spikes protruding them .. i couldn't even tell where the Barb head was until i saw the pics ... so while it has a strong silhouette it completely sacrifices readable details .. i personally don't like it at all.
Here is a pic of it ... and here they surprisingly followed the concept art quite strictly .. either way .. IMO both the concept and 3D model here are ugly .. at least the elephant armor concept had some merit in it and actually looked cool.

Hope they try more realistic designs (or at least something less outrageous) before resorting to extreme designs like these.|||Sry .. double post error .. delete please.|||The differences between the elephant armor concept and actual model are kind of minimal.
The posture of the barbarian is the true difference, and the angle at which the shoulder pieces are at rest. The tusks are larger and curved upward, but if you look at the concept art, would those cool details be readily visible from the game cam?
And the problem with the red armor is that we just don't know what it's supposed to be made of or what it represents. What is it? I dunno. And he looks like he wouldn't be able to move his torso with that thing on. But I love the boots from that set, just putting that out there.|||Quote:
The differences between the elephant armor concept and actual model are kind of minimal.
The posture of the barbarian is the true difference, and the angle at which the shoulder pieces are at rest. The tusks are larger and curved upward, but if you look at the concept art, would those cool details be readily visible from the game cam?
The posture does make some difference .. but that's only a small part .. check the size of the elephant shoulder pads .. in the concept they are reasonably sized compared to the helm the barb is wearing .. in the 3D model they are larger than the barb head and almost overshadow it.
As for the whole "game camera" argument .. look at the wizard armor shown in the same vid .. it is subtle, realistic and still detailed (and the concept art of the elephant armor looks close to it) .. it will be viewed from the same game camera i suppose ^_^
Also the tusks .. not only are they curved upward in the 3D model but they are enlarged (naturally as being part of the shoulder pads) and also asymmetrical .. one has actual tusks and the other has "i-don't-know-what-are-those" type of things ... it's very unsightly to look at.
And the problem with the red armor is that we just don't know what it's supposed to be made of or what it represents. What is it? I dunno. And he looks like he wouldn't be able to move his torso with that thing on. But I love the boots from that set, just putting that out there.
Agree .. i see the most horrible part being the shoulder pads .. followed directly by the torso armor .. the rest is ok on its own.|||I think they look awesome, maybe that makes me immature? Shouldn't the barb be ridiculously huge, love how it is focused on upper body as well, the red armor looks sick from behind, both armors give him such a feel of massive power. The elephant skulls are badass just because people have put skulls on armor before but I can't recall anyone pulling off elephant skulls. IMO they do look 'Unreal', in the best way possible.|||Are you people missing the fact that the middle picture clearly show how the armor looks from the ingame cam?
Seriously its not that hard to see.....
As for the armors i will make great use of them as trash for the horadric trash can to get materials but not for anything else.
The elephant armors tusk+skull is as long as the barbarians chest

Are you people missing the fact that the middle picture clearly show how the armor looks from the ingame cam?
Your wrong.|||The more spikes the better, imo. I like to imagine the barbarian (and it really should be) the biggest thing on the battlefield vs all other characters. He should have the strongest upper body with all that maul swinging.
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