Just wonderin if there's anyone out there that remembers the old Barbarian forums.. or even the PMNL?
I'm really excited for d3! I can't wait! And yes, I think I will play a Barbarian.
It's good to be back!
Phreek OG
Clan Gimmeitam
lol|||When you write "old barbarian forums" how old are we actually talking?
If it's pre 2003 I certainly don't remember it as I didn't knew about this place back then.|||Well, somehow I remember the name but you must be spelling it differently now. What was it back then and why aren't you using that account? The Great Forum Crash of 2003 deleted much of the stuff here. Some was saved. But we all had to re-register after it came back up.|||Thanks for the replies! When I say 'old barb forum', um... let me think about the time frame. I was friends with Darius and Skitril and TigerPrawn and Storm etc. I think Skitril or Darius took over as forum moderator a little after I quit playin D2.
I don't use the same account because I didn't remember the information, but I went by Phreek.
If you look on the guides section you can still see my name referenced in the Throw Barb guide

But anyway, just wanted to see if there were any old friends around lookin to play Barbarian again.|||Oh and wanted to know if any 'nerds' has the URL to the PMNL? I forgot to save it when upgrading computers.

I also remember clan gimmeitam.
I used to run a dueling club for a couple months called Duelers Circle back in like 2002.
Heres a pic of my old barb when he was level 90. This was shortly after 1.10 came out and I got botd ba and enigma armor.
http://www.geocities.com/high_templa...nalfight90.jpg|||I'm way back in the day as well, but mostly confined to the OT forum
I still remember phreek, though ;p|||Well i specialised in that seedy white dude a.k.a Necro back in the day but loved barbs too @@ Hope they do something like bring back the 3 chippy + magical sword for a nice LEGIT self made weapon barbs could hack n slash with hehe I was so addicted to that 3 chippy + magic elite sword gig that i had accounts over 3 realms and a Fire Golem Necro/Holy Fire pally just to collect them chippys :P Also hello Blizzard - a refresh of craft recipes please! Welcome back by the way ^^|||i agree batuchka.
unfortunately i never got anything good, just very unlucky.
i think i might have gotten a plain cruel collosus blade, but it was a low ed.|||I don't remember you because back in those days I sticked to indiablo (formerly known as diablo2.de).
But when they started totally sucking regarding Diablo3 related news I switched to diii.net in Summer 2008.
But still kudos to you because a throwbarbarian had style, especially the low level pvp ones in 1.09
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