1. How weapon properties interact when dual wielding.
2. How skills that are based on weapon damage interact with dual wielding.
3. If 2. is unfavorable for dual wielding, how skills that are supposedly built for dual wielding actually better for dual wielding.
Regardless of how it turns out, I will go for 2 hander anyway. Stylish.|||I would have to agree, you cant really make a decision until the game is finalized. However, as you see it currently would you say the duel weild would benefit PvP more so than the two-handed? If i were to guess i'd figure they try to equalize the damage outputs on both and try to configure simularities between the two. As it stands now i dont see any pros to using a shield and one hand, it almost (imo) seems useless to a degree, almost like why not duel weild, or why not use a two-handed. I dont necessarily see a scenario where a sheild and one hander would benefit you or "the party".|||My guess is they're going to entirely screw up the balance again

For example, 2 handed weapons will be capable of carrying more attributes and more sockets.|||Im sure they are trying their best but it always seems that they find a way to make them unbalanced and two-handed always seems to be the much faster killing option. Granted duel wield is going to be crazy fast with frenzy but the way i see it your probably going to have pretty decent legendary weps to do some dmg in hell.|||Question. When you first looked at Diablo 2, could you predict whenever 2 Handers, 1h+s, or dual weild would dominate?|||No i couldn't. However, seeing what we have in D2 my personal prediction would be so.(from what ive seen/heard) Barb your first char in D3 Konfeta?|||Diablo 2 has little gameplay relation to Diablo 3 beyond the basics. They removed, changed, added fundamental gameplay systems; which is why I think it is silly to believe that any prevalent weapon style will be mechanically strongest, especially given their stated commitment to ensure that neither style will be inferior.
The only prediction I would make is that barring tremendous differences in overall damage output, 2 handers will be more useful in PvP due to the nature of trying to melee in such an environment = burst damage is simply too important. As for PvE, way too many unknown factors.
My first character will be a Wizard; but a Barbarian is a likely close second. Playing Titan Quest showed me that melee characters with tons of AoE attacks and high mobility are pretty fun.|||Yeah two-handers might have the advantage as per PvP goes. However, is prevelant in that factor you can be skilled with jsut about any make that doesnt mean you cant kill anyone else. I had a post today in Barbarian threads basically a quick model of a two-hander barb leaning more towards a PvP end game future. They seem pretty promissing curently with the knowledge that we now of so far.
Wizard or WD will be my close second. Ive always been attracked to magic cast chars (Mage was my first WoW char) so theres no doubt after i get a barb done and up there one of the two casters is going to be close behind.
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