Monday, April 16, 2012

D3 whirlwind breakpoints and weapon range. - Page 2


Number of hits per second rounded to the nearest whole number.

5 hps + 20% attack speed would be then be 6 hps.

That rounding is what would lead to break points. For instance, if following that, 1% IAS wouldn't help you by 1% (I know I'm not going to get 1% on a weapon, but as an example, it rounds back to 5). Unless blizz makes frames act in decimals, things will be truncated and only once the IAS% hits the next frame will things change.

I'm not exactly sure how 3D would change things, but even then you can't act mid frame can you?|||Attack speed in WoW is truncated down to two decimals (e.g. 3.60 speed with 25% haste = 3.60 / 1.25 = 2.88 seconds) which works great, so I'm guessing D3 will go for a similar system.

Attack animations are typically made up of several hundred frames so even if you happen to hit an attack speed that results in acting mid frame, nobody will notice if the animation skips a frame or two. You can also just speed the animation up if the player reaches the point where the attack animation cannot be fully displayed before another attack takes place.|||So if we quadruple the frames, we'd still get a ton of little break points though O.o

or at least some could be in terms of attacks per second|||Only if your attack speed is slowed down to accomodate the frames (D2 style), rather than the frames being sped up or even skipped to accomodate your attack speed (WoW style). :)|||There are no classical "breakpoints" in 3D graphics.

3.60 speed with 25% haste = 3.60 / 1.25 = 2.88 seconds

This is just rounding the number. It has nothing to do with breakpoints we know from Diablo 2. Diablo 2 was restricted by its 2D engine. Now, if you have 1.8 attacks per second you will attack 1.8 times per second no matter if the game runs in 10 or 1000 FPS because animations in 3D engine are time based, not frame based. There will be much more smoother increments which we can also call breakpoints but these are just because of rounding-wise a number. There is no bind to frames unlike in 2D engine, so you can have 1.81 hps, 1.82 hps, 1.83 hps etc. You can even have 1.8184 hps but that is unnecessary.|||WW Might work with a totally different mechanic. I strongly doubt it will be as devastatingly powerful as it was in DII, or then it will have long cooldown or very heavy fury cost.|||Quote:

That rounding is what would lead to break points. For instance, if following that, 1% IAS wouldn't help you by 1% (I know I'm not going to get 1% on a weapon, but as an example, it rounds back to 5). Unless blizz makes frames act in decimals, things will be truncated and only once the IAS% hits the next frame will things change.

I'm not exactly sure how 3D would change things, but even then you can't act mid frame can you?

On a skill that is used actively and ends in short manner (like 2 seconds)? Of course it will have a break point if atk speed even modifies the skill at all. WW isn't going to be a 10 minute buff. It is an activated per use ability, not a standard attack.|||One thing that bothered me THE MOST about D2 was the breakpoint system. It was obviously implemented for technical reasons, but it still won't stop me from saying it stinks.

I didn't like how when you got an item that gave you 15% IAS, it would effectively be ZERO, unless it was enough to hit the next breakpoint. That's like going to the gym and only having 10 pound weights, and then the next ones are like 56lbs. Or eating a lot and not gaining any weight, and then waking up the next day SUPER FAT. It's a lot better when it goes up in increments.

So yeah... I have a feeling that WW in this game is going to contact a monster and then have a bit of a cool-down (VERY small amt of time) before that monster can be pelted again. And that cool-down will be based on your IAS (if there is such a thing in D3).|||Quote:

So yeah... I have a feeling that WW in this game is going to contact a monster and then have a bit of a cool-down (VERY small amt of time) before that monster can be pelted again. And that cool-down will be based on your IAS (if there is such a thing in D3).

interesting take on it.

I personally wouldnt mind breakpoints, but there has to be a lot of them for it to work.

Like a breakpoint for every 5% IAS. Apparently this wasnt possible with D2's 2dimensional engine, but im sure it could be with D3.

You bring up a good point about them, they were spaced so far apart it was ridiculous.

There obviously has to be some sort of system with whirlwind involving the number of hits per whirl and the weapons speed. Otherwise, the best option would be WW with high damage slow weapons and low damage fast weapons would be worthless.|||Whirlwind range should be affected by weapon range, although for the sake of simplicity we should ignore the differences in momentum at different ranges.

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