(you know he's supposed to have tatoos and stuff...)
Yup, I was thinking the same thing.

http://diablo3x.com/diablo-3-login-screen-revealed/|||Perhaps because he is no longer the same barbarian as in D2. They explained in a Blizzcon pannel that they changed that to avoid having different stories for the male/fermale versions of the different class.|||In fact, they said they were attempting to do so... Fan reactions were mixed after that, I don't remember they say anything about it afterwards...|||Having slight alterations amongst characters would be a nice addition. It wouldn't even have to be as in-depth as games like Oblivion or anything like that. Just a little extra flavor to make you a bit more distinct.|||Looks like our question has been answered, guys.
As I guessed earlier, warpaint will be an added bonus to a specific torso armor piece.

BTW... Could this mean a similar idea could be used for seeing Monk's tattoos? That would be amazing hehe|||Quote:
Interesting... I wonder how many people will simply stay with the Blue Paint set rather than other bigger sets (like the infamous Elephant Graveyard)...
I would definitely be tempted to keep this piece in my stash, just so I could sport the warpaint from time to time.
As for the Elephant Graveyard, personally I'm not a fan of that set (or the "Armadillo" set, for that matter), so I would definitely prefer the warpaint set. Actually, I really like the Barb's low level torso armor in which it looks like he's wearing a skinned bear as a toga. I think he wore it in the Wiz's B-roll footage from 2008. But I digress...|||The war paint look is nice! Though, I'm a bit disappointed that it constitutes the look for a particular piece of torso armor. When I equip armor, I would like to see something of more substantial... physicality - not mystical, protective war paint. I would have preferred it as an aesthetic character customization option upon hero creation, but alas that entire process was axed.
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