but the warrior really defines a fighting/weapon class of character.
Please explain how 'warrior' defines a melee-type class better than barbarian. For me the word barbarian immediately conjures up a very specific mental image I can identify with; a gigantic, hulking fighter, almost a primal force of nature that can enter a near-berserker rage in battle. Warrior is probably the most generic term you could have for a melee fighter.
Typing this, I realize that Wizard is also a pretty generic term, but I think blizzard did the best they could and I think their reasoning for the name wizard as a wild, undisciplined mage, and sorceror/ess as a wiser, controlled mage is plausible enough.
I want a more civilized fighter/weapon master.A fighter should not have to be barbaric.
But they aren't barbaric, the D2 manual makes that very clear. They're only called barbarians because the "civilized" people they interact with don't really understand them, also people often tried to invade Mt. Arreat and so many of the interactions between the civilized people and the barbarians are hostile in nature. Just because they live in the wild and reject the trappings of civilization does not make them savages.
also to have another fighter class/holy
person. Like Knight or something
We really don't need the generic name thing extending any farther than wizard.
Again, it's that very specific mental image thing, someone talks about how that barbarian massacred all those demons, I can form an instant mental picture.
Blizzard wants to create those instantly recognizable archetypes. I'm sorry but none of the characters will really belong to us; no character customization, for example. They're all "actual" people with their own backstory and their own agendas and motivations.
The barbarian is the exact same guy from D2 who defeated Diablo, and is coming back to put him down for good. The witch doctor is a specific person who has emerged from the jungles for some unfathomable reason to combat the Prime Evils. The Wizard is again a specific person, young and arrogant, who desires more powerful magic so he/she can be the greatest mage in the world, and what better way to test your power than to fight the minions of Hell?|||I think it's time to get into the discourse of Symbology :-p|||Quote:
Yes, just compare "Conan the Barbarian" to "Conan the Warrior".
- FreezBee
Conan the Destroyer owns them both|||Conan the Devourer of Souls and Defiler of Buxom Women is much better.|||Quite true, but a bit long of a character class name to be, methinks|||maybe a bit long but clearly the best name so it gets my vote, where is this petition to sign?|||Quote:
Sure, you could rename the barb, except a bunch of people would be going "the warrior is exactly the same as the barb in D2 but with a different model/name!!!!!!". I mean, they already did this to wizard and somewhat to witch doctor, atleast with barb they just admitted outright that it's the same thing.
Jay Wilson has actually said much the same thing. They initially weren't calling the character a "barbarian" but as they developed him the skills and theme were overlapping somewhat, so they decided they might as well just call him the barb and craft a lore to match, or else fans would all just complain that he was the same thing with a different name.
Jay has declined to share what the original name was, since he said they might use it for something else, eventually.|||I think people should now really stop moaning about the names. Will Blizzard now have to change every name of the classes they release?
I think all three classes are well put so far. Yes wizard might be the most generic of them, but reading the suggestions of other posters here in the forum, iam glad they called him wizard.|||they should change barb to tank , wizard to mage , witch doctor to necro , whatever later class to missle and the last class to healer

they should change barb to tank , wizard to mage , witch doctor to necro , whatever later class to missle and the last class to healer

go with summoner over necro and you got it
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