Monday, April 16, 2012

Berserker skill tree discussion. - Page 2


Whats the point of even having seperate trees at all if you can get the top skills from all the trees in a single build.

To gather similar-themed skills in one place so you don't have to look all over the trees to find them. Dual-wield skills in one tree, skills that affect rage generation in another and so on.

Having said that, I think your views on primary skills in D3 are pretty flawed. Based on this thread and a few other posts of yours, you seem to be the kind of player that picks one primary skill and just spams that as much as possible. You got used to it in D2 so now you expect the same to work in D3. To give a few examples:


Obviously trying to get as many buffs up as possible while spamming whirlwind would be the best option in just about any situation


I know no one knows for sure, but how often do you think you will be able to spam Whirlwind?


I know none of us have any idea how fast fury generation is going to work, but personally I hope that a berserker who has maxed out Bad Temper will have enough fury to spam whirlwind.


i just hope that i can still spam whirlwind

Yes, you like spamming Whirlwind - I get that. But keep in mind that this kind is exactly the kind of mindless D2-esque gameplay the developers don't want in D3. They want to make gameplay more interactive, they want you to use different skills for different purposes. What will undoubtedly come to separate good barbarians from bad ones will be fury management, i.e. how efficiently they use their fury. Spamming the same AoE skill won't be fury efficient because the number of enemies you face will not be constant. It will not be a good way to play, especially for one who, as you put it, wants to "become an expert at the barb class like I was at D2".

I can see the appeal of using Whirlwind as it's a cool skill, but don't base your skill tree analysis on the notion that WW will be the bread-and-butter skill and far superior to everything else. If it ends up like that, it means the developers failed to come up with a decent alternative, which is a very unlikely outcome now that they can look back on D2 and see which things that game messed up. Giving the D2 barb a single AoE skill is one such thing, which they've already attempted to remedy in D3 (e.g. Cleave)|||Wow...

First off, congratulations on that post Moonfrost. You destroyed me. Just gotta give credit where credit is due.

Lol I dont even know how to respond to that. That was impressive.

With that being said, let this thread die. I obviously didn't do my homework when it comes to D3, and made a few assumptions that made me look like a tard. I was just trying to get everyones creative juices flowing about building the ultimate berserker barbarian, but I definitely took a wrong turn.

And yes Chorkstain, I have been humbled.


I have just re-read my original post...and I didn't realize it but I really AM obsessed with whirlwind. It has just served me well for so many years, but I think its time for me to open up a little bit and attempt to learn the new Diablo 3 barbarian so I can use it to its full potential upon release.|||SxF, your humility is something often lacking on these forums. I appreciate the lack of flameback in your last post. tyvm.

-d|||I really don't think it's going to be a problem. A very similar system has worked in WoW for years and, to be honest, it makes much more sense for a Barbarian than does mana.

Keep in mind that the current system could change drastically by the time the game is released. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Blizzard will do whatever makes the Barbarian fun to play.

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